Chapter somthing

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I don't have a title for this chapter but I might go back and fix it later

Stars POV
After the whole thing with Jackie I couldn't wait to get home
It's been a couple days since then and my mom finally gave up
So tomorrow I can start heading home

I wanted to tell Marco but he hasn't been answering his phone all day
Which is a little weird but it's fine

He probably had to go to work today and i just forgot

I don't have to worry about it anyway I have to leave soon or I'm not going to make it to the hotel

So I packed up my car with my moms help because it's getting a little hard to do it on my own
Then I made breakfast , ate, then I had to get going

And after hours of crazy traffic teens running into the middle of the road and getting cut off by stupid people
I made it to the hotel
But the night doesn't end there no

On my way to my room some guy came up to and asked if I was single

Like no the ring on my finger is fake and I hoked up with some random guy one night

I absolutely told him no and walked away as fast as I could

After getting to my room
I put my bag on one of the beds
Then jumped onto the other one and turned on the tv
Then just watched a random show for about an hour
Turned the tv off and when to sleep

Short chapter this time sorry

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