Excuse me

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Hey I kinda make Jackie seem like a bad person in this chapter I'm sorry if you like Jackie I personally don't so ya enjoy
Stars POV
It's been about two weeks Sense Marco proposed and we've been spending a lot more time together ( absolutely )
And I don't think my dad was very happy with Marco when I told him but you know how dads can be

Today was a bit different i guess because I get to pick out my wedding dress and Marco is going to be with a wedding planer all day
But on my way to get my dress I ran into

Jackie: hey star where you going

Stars mind: just my luck I'm already going to be late now I have to deal with her

Star: not now Jackie I'm kinda in a hurry

Jackie: oh come on star

Star: seriously i have to go

Jackie kept talking to me as I kept walking to the shop and when I got there she asked
Jackie: So why are you going in here

Star: it's none of your business

Stars mind: why is she still following me

Shop worker: hello how can I help you girls

Star: I have an appointment for a fitting

Shop worker: ok what's the name

Star: star butterfly

Shop worker: ok please wait over there and I'll have someone with you in a bit

Star: ok thanks

I thought Jackie would leave after I checked in but she didn't she followed me and kept asking me questions

Jackie: so when did you guys break up

Star: what

Jackie: you and Marco

Star: what makes you think we broke up

Jackie: well he's not very romantic and I wouldn't expect him to propose to someone like you

Star: hey

Jackie: no offense I mean your to good for him

Stars mind: can you just leave now

Jackie: so when do you break up and who's the lucky guy

Star: well we stopped dating two weeks ago

Jackie: well you move on fast

Star: and the lucky guy is Marco

Jackie: what you said you weren't dating

Star: we aren't dating because we're engaged

Jackie: I don't believe you I'm going to talk to Marco

Stars mind: like I care

Shop worker: is this a bad time

Time skip
Marcos pov
I was with the planner talking about how the weddings going to go when the lady who owns the building comes into the room we were in
Woman: Mr. Diaz
Marco: yes
Women: there's someone here to see you do you want me to send her in

Marco: ya sure
Woman: ok

Planner: why'd you say yes
Marco: it's probably just star
Planner: oh ok

After a bit I heard the door start to open I looked over expecting star but I only saw Jackie

Marco: Jackie what are you doing here

Jackie: I have some questions for you

Marco: not now I'm busy

Jackie: come on just one

Marco: fine

Jackie: who's the lucky girl and how did you do it

Marco: what

Jackie: who are you marrying and how did you propose

Marco: well first off how did you know I was getting married

Jackie: I was talking with an old friend and she told me

Marco: ok and why do you want to know

Jackie: I want to congratulate her that's all

Marcos mind: how do I know I can trust her

Jackie: is it star

Marco: what

Jackie: you know star you we're dating her a while ago

Planner: how much longer is this going to take

Jackie: can you leave us alone for a minute

Planner: (rolls eyes and walks away)

Marco: yes it's star know can you please leave we're busy

Jackie: oh ok

Marco: Jackie don't go bug her right now she busy

Jackie: whatever bye

Marcos pov
I have no clue what just happened but I'm just hoping she doesn't go big star right now
After all that me and the planner got back to work
And about twenty minutes later I got a text from star saying she was done and on her way
I told her what room we were in then told the planner she was coming
And a couple minutes later she came in
She said hello to the planner the came up and hugged me
After that we showed her what we had gotten done and she helped us with some other things then around 10:00 pm we decided to be done for the day

Stars POV
While me and Marco walked home we told each other about our days I told him about how I ran into Jackie and how she followed me tell I answered her questions and when I didn't she didn't believe me
Then he told me how he has an interaction with her as well
Eventually we got to his apartment
Do you want me to walk with you the rest of the way he asked
It's fine Marco I don't live that far I said
He gave me a look and said to text him as soon as I got home
I told him I would then we said goodbye

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