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Stars POV
So the first day was crap but the second day is going to good right?

After My mom drove me to school I ran into someone literally. Oh I'm so sorry I said trying to pick up all my stuff
It's fine it was my fault I heard the boy say. When I got my stuff picked up I looked at him. He was wearing a hoodie like Marcos except it was blue and had a scull on the pocket and had natural red hair. Hi I'm Tom he said holding out his hand
Hi, Tom, I'm star I said shaking his hand. Then the bell rang
Well I gotta get to class he said walking off
Ok bye I said walking the other direction

Time skip

After I got my lunch I sat down at the empty table I sat at yesterday I started eating when I saw someone sit across from me I looked up and saw Tom
Sorry is this seat taken he ask
I shook my head and he set his stuff down
So your new right he asked
Um ya I guess

Hey I know this chapter is short but Wattpad is being kinda stupid for me so I'm doing this the rest of the conversation is getting to know each other and becoming friends just friends, not lovers I don't ship them ( it might happen later in the story ) but it's not because I ship them it will be for other reasons but ya that's it for this chapter again sorry it so short

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