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"You okay chica," Bishop questions looking over at me as I slowly made my way out of the hospital. "I'm managing," I spoke softly the bright lights from the sun sky almost blinding me. I couldn't believe I was actually leaving this shit place. I slide on a pair of avatars that Coco, another Mayan member, brought from my house. It had been a few weeks since being shot and I was stoked to escape from that hell hole.

Bishop gets on his bike and get on behind. "Ready," the sound of the engine roared between us. Bishop and I had been hanging around lot lately since Nestor and the rest of Bishops crew were out searching for Cristobal. I hadn't really spoken to Emily, I've just felt pretty shitty about the whole situation.  The drive itself was pretty smooth, nothing much was said between Bishop and I. By the time we got to my place I was stiff from riding. "I'll be back," I answer knowing that Marcus and Miguel had agreed that I needed to stay at the clubhouse until they find Cristobal. It was something on the lines of they were concern for my safety.

I started packing my things when I heard the door opened," Hello," I yelled only to see my brother standing there, he seemed to be discontent by the expression on his face. "You are seriously not going to stay with the Mayans are you?" "Yeah," I tossed the rest of my things in the bag," why not? My boss and Marcus thought it'd be better since it's a few blocks from here." "Jesus Ronnie do you not know how much of a dangerous spot you've put yourself in," his tone raises," I mean come on even I'm starting to get concerned for your sanity." "Jax what the hell are you talking about," I was about to lose it if he told me one more time that I was in danger. "You are sleeping with the enemy Ronnie," he shakes his head giving a faint laugh," first it was Esai now this Nestor guy. Do you want to die Veronica because this is a good start."

I slung my the last piece of clothing in my bag, picking it up and walking passed my brother. "Don't you dare walk away from me Veronica Teller," he yells grabbing my arm. "How about you fuck off Jax," I spoke in disgust jerking my arm back," first of all you have no clue what Nestor does or does not. He cares about me and treats me good. As for Esai never bring his name up. It was your fault he's dead in the first place." I turn grabbing my keys, walking outside slamming my door. I stormed downstairs holding back the anger and tears, "let's go," my tone was low and angry. "What's the matter Chica?" He questions getting back on his bike," I don't want to fucking talk about it Bish," I get on behind him, wrapping my arms around him we rode in silence getting back to the clubhouse, which was located at a scrapyard.

"I'm sorry," my voice was soft looking over at Bishop when I get off his bike. "It's okay," He replies," what go you so pissed off though?" "My brother," I answer walking with him up the stairs," he thinks he can control my life." "Damn," he shakes his head," you're a grown ass woman you should be able to do whatever you want." "Right," I walk inside feeling a bit out of my element," look I'm exhausted I'm going to go crash in one of the dorm rooms. Any suggestions?" "You can stay in mine," Bishop offers," let me show you where it is, the sheets are also clean." I followed behind, going down the hall where the dorms were lined up, there around the corner was Bishop's room. "Here," he opens the door showing lush hardwood floors some posters of half dressed women and a bed that looked comfortable. I fell upon the bed, my eyes growing heavy as I slowly drift to sleep. I woke up a few hours later to the loud sounds of partying. I slowly get up, stretching before walking out seeing the party in full spin. I walk towards the bar, grabbing a beer before walking over to a dark corner to sit.

Despite growing up in this world I had always preferred to be in the backdrop, watching people interact. I sipped my beer relaxing for the first time since I got to California, between the club shit and the kidnapping life hasn't been stable. "Hey," Bishop sits beside me after walking from Templo," you good?" "I"m so tired of people asking me this question," I spoke dully," that and that I'm putting myself in danger." "You have people that care," He sits next to me with a glass of amber liquid in hand," you don't like hard liquors?" "Nope," I take another sip," I'm more of a beer kind of gal." I wasn't always like that, but after having the worst hangover in the world I stuck with beer." I lean back," so what do you guys do for fun around here. Besides drinking I mean is there any other form of entertainment?" "They do ring fights outside," Bishop answers," come on and I'll show you."

I took his hand as he led me outside towards a huge crowd I stood in front of him watching two men with the same cut. I stood in front of him with another beer at hand, his hands wrapped around me. It felt like home I looked up smiling at Bishop," thanks for this," "No problem," he answers as we continue to watch the fight. Afterwards I grabbed another beer and sat with him for a bit by the bonfire that they were burning. "So does your club always do stuff like this," I felt nostalgic it reminded me so much of home that I actually missed it.

"Yep," He answer sipping another filled glass looking up at me," makes you miss home doesn't it?" I nod my heart was aching to go back, but I was still irritated by their pushiness. "I just wished they let me make my own choices," I sigh," even if that means I'll fell in the end." "They just don't want to see you hurt," his brown eyes look at me with sympathy," I can understand though why they are protective. You are young, but I also see that you're a fighter too." "I could take you shooting," he offers to me," I mean I don't know if your brother taught you." "Actually that would be great," I couldn't help but feel ecstatic about this," it's been a long time since anyone has worked with me. Plus I'm getting a little rusty." "Then it's settled then," Bishop replies happily," tomorrow first thing we'll go shooting."

Author's Note
: This chapter was a bit difficult to write. I had a bit of writer's block, but I'm overall content with how this turned out. Anyways keep your eyes open for the next chapter.

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