Nine. (Some More Stuff Added)

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I decided that after what happened at the gun-range it would be best if I returned home. Despite arguing with both my brother and Bishop I had won the argument. I went home that very day avoiding anything from the Mayans or Nestor. I dove into work for Galindo doing what I could without distractions. A week turned to two weeks since hearing from anyone, except for Emily and my mom of course. I thought my clean break from both men was over by the third week. I had already developed a routine where I would work get off from my shift then went to the gym to work out some steam. Except that night things changed,  I walked in after a grocery run opening my door seeing Nestor waiting on me.

"Nestor," I was stunned seeing him," what exactly are you doing here," I shut the door walking over to the kitchen table where I put both bags of my groceries. "Why haven't you been answering any of my calls," his tone was hurt as he walked over to me. "Look," I avoided his eyes," I need the space from it all." "Space from what Hermosa," He questions I had a feeling he knew something, he always did." "I don't think we're going to work Nestor," I swallowed as he pulled back from me," I slept with someone. I didn't plan it, the situation just happened."

The look of pain and anger filled his eyes as he pushes my groceries off the table, shattering eggs busting the milk. "Was he a good fuck?" He gives a laugh," I mean did he ever take care of you when you were in the hospital, huh." I didn't answer, I knew he needed to get this out of his system whatever it maybe. "I loved you," the pain in his voice as he looked up at me," I was there for you. What the fuck Veronica!" "I don't know what you want me to tell you Nestor," my own voice startled me," it just happened. It was never my intention to fuck someone else, okay." "I need space," Nestor snaps walking out leaving me with a mess.



I could hear her yelling my name as I walked out, I felt angry wanting to beat the shit out whoever she slept with. She was the first woman I had ever fallen for. I managed to walked down the stairs, getting into my black BMW where I slammed my fist into the dash in anger. My cellphone rings and I pick up to answer it.

"Oceteva," I spoke with authority," hey it's Rico," one of the men that worked under me spoke," Boss is wanting you to do some recon work in Mexico." "I'll call and talk to him," I answer knowing that the one they called Padrino would be the guy taking my spot while I was gone. I hung up calling Miguel," Hey you wanted me in Mexico," I questioned my best friend needing some answers," Yes just for some time," Miguel replies," we've got new business stuff going down and I want to make sure we know what we're dealing with." Very well," I felt numb," Probably do me some good. Veronica and I split up. She confessed to cheating." "That's terrible," Miguel sighs," well we'll figure out a way to get close to SAMCRO. Just concentrate on the work at hand." "Copy that," I hung up pulling out, driving towards the Mexican border where I can disappear for a few months.

I finally arrived in Mexico, leaving my troubles behind, I knew I couldn't deal with her let alone any other form of temptation there. For weeks I ignored her calls, only answering business calls from Miguel. I needed space to heal to get her out of my head, it was just something I needed to do. I can honestly say I had missed her, it wasn't just the sex, but something more. I wished she would of never broken us. That's when I got to thinking to myself of what Miguel was saying, "stay focus on the job or I'll have someone else fill in your place." Could he have possibly used Bishop in this sick game of chance?  I felt sick to my stomach, I knew I needed to concentrate with settling things down here and get my head together before dealing with this.

I couldn't help, but keep thinking about what Miguel said so the night he came down with Emily I pulled him aside and questioned him. "Did you," I looked at him praying that he didn't," please tell me you weren't involve in Veronica's and I's break up." Miguel showed no emotion, anger overwhelmed I wanted to beat my best friend to death. "You let your emotions get to you Nestor," Miguel looks at me without showing any emotion,"you got sloppy, careless, the nun from the festival proved it." I was dumbfounded unsure of what to do at this point, I was feeling pretty betrayed by my own best friend," I love her," were the only words I could say," I could have seen a future with her."

"It was suppose to be just business," Miguel responds," look I see you like a brother. Veronica Teller is trouble." "I could have made that choice Mikey," I interrupted as Miguel poured him a glass of whiskey. "No you couldn't," Miguel looks at me," the plan was for you to make her fall in love with you. The closer you got to Veronica, the closer to SAMCRO you got." I couldn't take much more I needed to get back to her. "Where are you going Nestor," Miguel questions sipping his whiskey. "I need to go find her," I answer," I need to get her back." "Too late," Miguel spoke," Looks like she moved on to something more her pace. Another biker just like the ones she grew up with." I turn towards Miguel, my fist balling up, I was ready to hit him until Emily walked in," Babe it's time for dinner. Nestor," she hugs me," I heard about you and Veronica. She was devastated you two split up." "Thanks Em," I held back my emotions," maybe someday her and I can get back together." I watched Miguel follow Emily back to the kitchen where they would have dinner like a happy family.

I knew I needed to tell the truth to Veronica it was the only way for me to move forward in life. I knew her and I would never be together, but apart of me still thought that she deserved the truth. After the Galindo dinner I excused myself stating I needed to finish off some lose ends in Santo Padre. Whatever happens between Veronica and I would be put to rest one way or another even if that did result a broken heart.

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