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(I changed this story from how it was bc I had a different idea that I liked much better, I hope you enjoy!)

"Somethings up, I know it." Harry followed Draco into the bathroom. Draco whipped around. He had been crying in the mirror. His father send him a letter to inform him that the Dark Lord had an important job for him.

"Mind your business Potter. What I'm going through is none of your concern." Draco tried to walk away but Harry put his hand on the boys shoulder, making him stop.

"I just want to make sure you're safe. Pansy told Hermione that Voldemort is planning something. He's living in your house Malfoy. Aren't you worried?" Harry's concern for Draco's well being has grown through this year. They were all becoming closer friends since Pansy and Hermione started dating. It was a secret between their two friend groups so Pansy father wouldn't flip out.

"I'm fine." Draco was frustrated and wanted to be alone.

"You're not fine, I know you're not fine. Look at me." Draco turned to face Harry, staring into his bright green eyes he grew to love. "I just want you to know that if you ever want to run away, you can. Just come to 12 Grimmauld place. Sirius has been hiding there. There's wards up, no one will find you there. You'll be safe."

Draco took a deep breath and rushed out of the bathroom. Harry stood where he was, stunned. He'd protect Draco at all cost, this isn't his battle to fight. This is between Harry and Voldemort.

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