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Draco woke up later than he expected to. The potion worked, he didn't dream at all. Although, last night felt like a dream to him. He got up and stretched. His body now a little less sore. He got up and entered the hallway, looking at Harry's door. He considered going over and knocking. The least I can do is apologize.

He walked over to Harry's room door and knocked, the door creaked open. He pushed the door open. Harry wasn't in there but his room smelled like him. His eyes wandered over the boy's room. Posters of people Draco didn't know covered the walls. He stepped into the room. Taking it all in. Harry's bed was much larger than the one in the guest room. He stopped himself from rolling around Harry's sheets. I'd love to sleep in that bed, wait, no.

He made his way downstairs. He could hear music he didn't know coming from the living room. Sirius was standing by his record player, nodding his head to the music.

"Good morning." Draco said, leaning against the wall. Sirius whipped his head to see Draco.

"Ah, good morning sleeping beauty." Sirius smiled at the boy. "You slept quite well I'm assuming?" Draco nodded his head.

"Yes I did. Potter gave me a Dreamless Sleep potion." Sirius nodded and looked away. "I'm surprised he could brew something as difficult as that." Draco joked.

"He doesn't brew it, I do." Sirius diverted his attention to his records.

"Why? If you don't mind me asking." Draco was curious now. Sirius took a deep breath.

"Harry used to deal with nightmares. Sometimes of Voldemort, sometimes of his parents but mostly his old family." Sirius turned to Draco. "But he's all better now. He used to take the potion every night but he doesn't rely on them anymore. I make him some just in case it's one of those days."

"What happened with his old family?" Draco watched Sirius's face, but Sirius only smiled.

"I'll leave that for Harry to tell, if he wants you to know." Sirius stepped closer and raised his arm a little too quickly. Draco couldn't help but flinch. Sirius frowned and pulled his arm away. "I didn't mean to startle you. Take a seat. Harry and Remus should be back soon."

"Where did they go?" Draco said as he moved to the sofa. He sat and played with his fingers in his lap.

"Remus had to pick up a few things and Harry wanted to tag along. He was eager to leave with him. I thought he missed me." Sirius feigned a hurt expression making Draco laugh slightly. "Ah he laughs!" Sirius took a seat beside Draco.

"Contrary to belief, I'm not always serious and bitchy." Draco smiled. He felt a lot more comfortable around Sirius.

"I however, am always Sirius and bitchy." Sirius said, flipping his long black hair. This made Draco laugh again. "How has your mother been?" Draco's laughter died down.

"I don't really know. I didn't get to catch up with her. We were supposed to talk Christmas." Draco clenched his jaw.

"She's tough, Draco. Your mother can put up a fight." Sirius said.

"I forget you're her cousin, that makes us family doesn't it?" Draco smiled at Sirius. Maybe I'm not so alone after all. "Why aren't you on our family tree?"

"I was disowned. My family hated me for being sorted into Gryffindor. When they found out I was gay, I was kicked out and burned off of the family tree. Harry's father James, he took me in. He was a brother to me." Sirius stared at their pictures on the wall. "Some things are worth being an outcast. If I had been in Slytherin, I wouldn't have ever spoke to James, Remus and Lily, my dearest friends. I wouldn't have met the love of my life."

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