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Harry was sitting on the living room floor laughing at Remus. Sirius entered the room and went straight to the record player. He put on the Unknown Pleasures album by Joy Division and the music played softly. Harry loves that Sirius is always playing music around  the house, it makes him feel at home. 

"What are you two laughing about?" Sirius said as he plopped down next to Remus on the sofa. He smiled lovingly at Remus.

"I was just telling Harry about that one time my pants got ripped by the whomping willow." Remus threw his arm around Sirius and pulled him close. Harry watched and hoped he'd find a live like theirs one day. He was happy to see them happy. They deserved it.

"I remember that. Your ass looked so cute into those blue boxer briefs." Sirius winked at Remus who blushed slightly. "His face turned so red because he had to walk back to the castle covering himself up with his robe." Harry laughed and the fire began flickering wildly.

"Guys, were you expecting anyone?" Harry looked at the fire curiously.

"Not until tomorrow." Remus said, standing up and pulling out his wand. Sirius and Harry pulled theirs out immediately after.

"Harry, get behind us." Before Harry could move, Sirius yanked him behind him. Sirius and Remus stood in front of Harry, blocking him with their wands out.

The fire blazed green and a boy stumbled through, he stood before them.. He was bleeding. A lot. Harry could recognize that silver hair anywhere.

"Malfoy?" He rushed past Sirius and Remus. Draco met eyes with Harry and smiled weakly. Draco was covered in scratches. His black turtleneck was ripped to shreds. His right arm hugged his chest loosely. A bloody bite mark covered his right shoulder. And on his left arm...the dark mark. He stumbled trying to walk closer to Harry.

"Didn't...know where...where else to...go." Draco struggled to speak. 12 Grimmauld Place. He collapsed but Harry caught him before he could fall. He brought the boy down to the floor and laid him down gently.

"Malfoy, stay awake... what happened to you Malfoy?" Harry's hand trembled as he observed his wounds. "Remus! What do we do? I don't know any healing spells. Remus I don't know any, I need to help him." Tears blurred Harry's vision. I can't lose him.

"Sirius, put stronger wards on the house, make sure you leave access for the Order, Hermione and Ron." Sirius nodded quickly and started muttering spells. Remus ran to the opposite side of Harry and gasped. He noticed the bite on Draco's shoulder and recognized it immediately."He's been bitten. He's been bitten by Fenrir." Harry looked at Remus in shock.

"Does that mean he's-" Remus nodded quickly. Harry's heart sunk. Voldemort had him do it. Not only has Draco been bitten, he got the dark mark. He's a werewolf and a death eater now.

"I can heal his wounds, I know how." Remus spoke as calm as he could. Harry was in a daze. He couldn't focus. Harry nodded and got up slowly. His whole body was shaking.I can't lose another friend. I can't watch him die.

"The wards are up, is he alright?" Sirius said walking back into the room. Draco's wounds weaved back together slowly. Remus stood up and walked to Sirius putting his hand on his shoulder.

"He's been bit Sirius. And he has the dark mark." Remus said quietly. Sirius looked at Remus and put his hand to his mouth. "He'll be okay, I'll have to ask Severus for more Wolfsbane Potion." Sirius nodded he approached. Harry and stood beside him. He put his hand on Harry's back and rubbed gently.

"He's going to be okay love, Remus is a great healer. He's healed himself plenty of times." Sirius smiled at Harry to cheer him up.

"How could they do this to him Sirius? He's one of them now. He's got Voldemort's mark." He couldn't help but stare at the mark. He could care less about him being a werewolf right now. Remus is one and he's doing just fine. I just hope it doesn't hurt him.

Pale Moonlight (drarry)Where stories live. Discover now