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"Severus?" the name slipped out of Draco's mouth.

"Draco, oh Draco." Severus approached Draco quickly and pulled him into a tight hug. Remus stood behind them smiling widely.

"What are you doing here?" Draco's eyes lit up at the sight of his godfather.

"Remus told me you were here. I had to make sure you were somewhere safe." Severus pulled Draco away from everyone else and into an empty room.

"How is my mother, is she okay?" Draco asked frantically. Snap looked at Draco and sighed.

"The Dark Lord has her in the dungeons." He pulled out a small box from his coat. "She asked me to give this to you. You did the right thing Draco." Severus handed Draco the box. Draco opened it and revealed a crystal orchid. He picked it up and saw that it was a necklace. He held back tears and faced Severus.

"Thank you." That's all he could think to say.

"Now, I must be going. Take care Draco." Severus walked away, leaving Draco alone. He bit his lip and played with the necklace in his hand. He put the box in his pocked and put the necklace on.

Everyone was sitting at the large table. Harry noticed Draco looked even more sad than before as he entered the kitchen. Draco look up from the floor and met Harry's eyes. Harry smiled at the boy and motioned to the empty seat next to him, making Draco smile. He took a seat next to Harry and cleared his throat.

"That necklace is beautiful." Harry whispered. Draco blushed lightly.

"So Draco, how are you adjusting?" Hermione chimed in. She sat across from him. Ron sat next to her, across from Harry. Draco looked at her confused.

"I filled her in on everything." Harry added. Draco shook his head. They passed around dishes of food. Everyone else was invested in their own conversations.

"I'm adjusting fine. I haven't experienced anything abnormal. Lucky for me we had that werewolf essay 3rd year. I know most of the side effects." Hermione nodded.

They all ate dinner talking about other, more happier things. Ron complained about how Fred and George gave him a gift box filled with spiders. When everyone finished dinner they made their way to the living room to exchange gifts.

"Okay, I've waited too long to give this to you Harry." Sirius said, carrying a large box. He set it down in front of Harry. Harry smiled brightly at Sirius and unwrapped the gift. The box was a case. Harry unlocked the box. Inside were all the balls for Quidditch.

"No way! A complete set!" Harry shouted happily. "Thank you so much Sirius and Remus." Ron, Fred, George and Ginny gathered around. Draco sat awkwardly on the couch while Hermione opened her gifts. Molly walked up to him and handed him a lumpy gift.

"I hope you like it." she smiled warmly at Draco. He unwrapped the gift and pulled out a green knitted sweater. A large "D" is embroidered on the front with silver thread. Draco smiled widely.

"Thank you so much Mrs. Weasley." She smiled and walked away. Remus sat on the edge of the couch next to Draco and slid him a box. "What's this?"

"Just a little something I picked up today. I didn't want you to feel left out." Remus smiled down at Draco. He opened the box. It was a journal set. There was a white quill, ink and a leather bound journal. Draco's smile didn't leave his face. "Harry mentioned you like to write." Draco blushed lightly.

"Thank you Remus. I really appreciate it." Remus pat Draco's arm and walked away.

"Draco?" Hermione said quietly from beside him. "Did Pansy, did Pansy get marked too?" Draco looked Hermione in the eye and nodded. She took a deep breath. "I hope she's okay."

"She will be. She spoke to me about wanting to write to you. She's worried that you'll break up with her because of it." Draco said. Hermione shook her head.

"It's not her fault. I would never leave her over something she can't control. Do you think I should write to her?" She questioned.

"No, wait for her to write to you. She might have to use a different name. You might have to as well." Draco said truthfully. "Give her some time." Hermione nodded and smiled lightly at Harry and Ron, who were fighting over a chocolate frog. Draco's heart fluttered as Harry's contagious laugh filled the room.

"You still like him don't you?" Hermione whispered. Draco whipped his head around and frowned. "Pansy told me about your huge crush on him. Also, it doesn't take an idiot to know you're into him." Draco's cheeks went pink. "Aww are you blushing?" Hermione nudged his arm.

"Stop." Draco said trying to be serious. He failed and laughed along with Hermione.

Harry stopped fighting for the chocolate frog and noticed Draco laughing with Hermione. He whispered something into her ear and made her laugh even harder. Harry couldn't help but smile. He thought about bringing Draco's gifts down but decided he'd rather have Draco be surprised when he gets to his room.

Lots of laughs later, everyone started to go home. When everyone left, Sirius walked around with Remus spelling the mess away. Draco made his way up to his room and opened the door. A pile of gifts sat on top of his bed. He smiled and walked to them. They were all from Harry. He had gifted him 2 books, 5 pairs of pants, 5 shirts, 3 sweaters, 2 sets of pajamas and lots of chocolate.

He put his new gifts away and headed to Harry's room. Harry was walking out of his room. He was already in pajamas. Draco smirked at Harry.

"Hi." Harry spoke softly. "Did you like your gifts? I figured you'd need some clothes. If there's anything you don't like I can just take it back and get you something you do like." Draco walked closer to the boy and backed him up against the wall.

"I loved them." He rested a hand against the fall next to Harry's head. Harry's breath was caught in his throat. "I just wanted to thank you properly." With his free hand, he lifted Harry's chin and pressed his lips against his. Harry melted. He was really being kissed by Draco Malfoy. The kiss was short and sweet.

"You're welcome." Harry breathed. Please kiss me again. please just, take me.

"Goodnight Potter." Draco smirked at the flustered boy below him. He kissed Harry's cheek and left to his room. Harry stood there in shock. He hurried to Draco before he could open his room door and pushed him against it.

"Kiss me again." Grey met green. Draco leaned in and kissed Harry again, this time with more passion. Harry kissed back. I can get used to this.

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