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The weekend came quickly. Harry waited anxiously with Hermione for Draco and Pansy. This is either going to go really good or really bad. Harry scratched gently at his scar.

"Relax, Harry. It's not like you haven't spent time with him before." Hermione said. She pulled Harry's hand away from his scar. "Just act normal, it'll be fine."

"You're right. But Malfoy's unpredictable." Harry stated. He tried not to think negative but he couldn't help it. "Things will be good between us and then suddenly they're not."

"Things have been good so far haven't they? Give him a chance." Hermione gently placed her hand on Harry's cheek. He melted into her comforting touch. "It's going to be alright. I'll be here to make sure of it."

Hermione spotted the two Slytherins and moved her hand from Harry's cheek to wave at them. Pansy skipped over to Hermione and kissed her on the cheek. Draco appeared beside Harry who took in the sight of the boy.

"You're wearing the sweater I got you." Harry breathed. Draco grinned. He wore a black turtleneck sweater with dark grey fitted slacks and a black trench coat. Harry liked that Draco dressed well.

"You have good taste." Draco replied simply, shrugging it off. He spent most of the morning going through outfits with the help of Pansy. They walked towards Hogsmead together. Pansy and Hermione walked ahead so the two boys could be "alone".

"Where do you want to go first?" Harry asked to get a conversation going. Draco shrugged.

"Wherever you want to go." For some reason, the words made Harry blush. He played with his fingers in his hoodie pocket anxiously.

"We could go to Honeydukes. I need to stock up on chocolate frogs." Harry said. Remus made it a habit for Harry to always have chocolate around.

"Chocolate would actually be great right now. Do you mind if we go to the quill shop? I just want to see if they have any new journals."

"No, I don't mind. Did you fill the journal Remus got you?" Harry asked curiously.

"No, I just like to have them. Eventually I'll get around to filling them all." Draco chuckled lightly causing Harry to smile fondly. Harry looked up at the tall blond beside him. He loved to see Draco actually enjoying himself.

They walked into Honeydukes and Draco was greeted with all types of smells. He sneezed three times in a row. Hermione and Pansy looked at him with concern. Harry on the other hand found it quite funny.

"Maybe you should wait outside." Pansy suggested. Harry didn't find it so funny anymore.

"I'll wait with you." Harry said quickly. Draco frowned at him.

"No, it's okay. I'm fine." Draco said before sneezing once more.

"I'll wait with him. We'll be right outside." Pansy said before leading Draco out. Hermione shrugged and lead the way through the shop.

They picked out all kinds of sweets for Pansy and Draco and even more sweets for themselves. They paid for their things and walked out of the shop. They handed the two slytherins their share and walked together to the next shop.

It was a lot less crowded and hectic as Honeydukes so Draco didn't have a problem being in there. Harry was the first to split from the group. Draco went on his own search leaving Hermione and Pansy to be together. He searched through the journals trying to find the perfect one. With no luck, he decided to find some stationery to write to Remus and Sirius.

He picked out some parchment and envelopes and spotted Harry in the front of the store talking to the shop owner. He made his way over to him. The shop owner handed Harry a black leather bound journal.

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