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Draco ate his dinner in the guest room. Sirius had brought it up to him. Sirius had grown to like Draco. He knew what Draco had done will have him disowned. He knew how that felt. Draco brought his dirty dishes down to the kitchen himself. He didn't want to bother Sirius anymore. He could walk on his own a lot better now. Remus had given him chocolate too. Eating made him feel better.

The house was silent. Remus and Sirius were in the living room, asleep on the sofa. He made his way back to the room and sat at the edge of the bed. He rolled up the sleeve of Remus's sweater and stared down at his arm. He felt disgusted looking at his new mark. A knock came from the door, Harry stood in the doorway. Draco yanked his sleeve back down.

"Just wanted to see if you need anything before I go to bed." Draco shook his head. Harry nodded and turned on his heel.

"Wait." Draco spoke suddenly. I don't want to be alone. "Can you stay with me for a bit?" Harry nodded quickly and entered the room. He stood awkwardly next to the bed. "You can sit. I won't bite."

"Sorry." Harry sat down next to Draco. "Are you okay?" Draco can hear the concern in Harry's voice. You can trust him. He's all you have right now. 

"Honestly?" Draco and Harry's eyes met. Grey meeting green. Harry nodded his head. "No." Draco's eyes began to water. "I had to leave my mom. I had to leave her there with that maniac. And he, he made me into a monster." He tried not to cry. He ran a hand through his hair, head hanging low.

"You're not a monster Malfoy." Harry said from beside him. Draco's heart was racing being this close to Harry. He had been so busy trying to process what was happening to him that he hadn't even thought about how he was going to live under the same roof as Harry. 

"I'm a werewolf death eater. What could be worse?" Harry lifted Draco's chin so the boy would look him in the eye. Draco's heart fluttered but he ignored it. Now is not the time for crushes. 

"What could be worse? You could be dead. But you aren't. So what if you're a werewolf. Remus can control it, you can learn to control it too." Harry noticed that Draco's eyes were dark grey, sadness and anger were evident.

"I'm on the wrong side now. I have his mark. He'll find me and I'll be his puppet." Draco's eyes watered even more, he blinked away a few tears. Harry wanted to just hold him and make everything feel better. 

"That doesn't define you. He left me a scar too. It doesn't make me the-boy-who-voldemort-nearly-killed, it makes me the-boy-who-lived. You got away from him alive, you should be proud of yourself." Harry gave Draco a reassuring smile. That damn smile. Draco was never one to process emotions well. especially emotions like "love".

"I'm ready to sleep now." Draco mumbled. He pushed Harry's hand away from his face. He stared into Harry's eyes. He considered hugging the boy but instead stood up. "Goodnight Potter." Harry stood up too.

"Goodnight Malfoy. Sleep well. If you need anything, my room is across the hall to the left." He smiled at Draco and turned to leave. He shut Draco's door behind him. Draco got into bed and cuddled with the blanket. He couldn't get warm. He tried to drift off to sleep. Flashes of the earlier events kept coming back to him.

"You will do as I say Draco." He stepped closer to me. I want to run to the flu but I can't. I can't risk him following me and leading him right to Harry.

"I won't be a murderer." The words barely came out of my mouth as my body froze in horror. He quickly grabbed my left arm and jabbed his wand on my forearm.

"Fenrir, you know what to do." The words sent chills down my spine. I screamed in pain as the mark formed on my arm.

Please make the pain be over.

Pale Moonlight (drarry)Where stories live. Discover now