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"Kiss me again."

I stared into Draco's silver eyes and got lost in them. He leaned in and kissed me. He's really kissing me. This is really happening. His soft lips danced with mine as we stumbled into the room. I shut the door behind me. Draco pulled away and looked down at me, a small smirk grew.

"You have pretty eyes." I said, looking up at him. He really did have pretty eyes. They're perfect.

"Pretty eyes? You sound like you have a little school girl crush on me Potter." He said teasingly as I frowned at him.

"So what if I do? You kissed me." I said, removing my arms from around his neck to shove him playfully.

"You came back for more." He said, shoving me right back.

"Well you didn't have to kiss me."

"You told me to."

"Just admit that you like me Malfoy." I pushed him again, a little too hard. He stumbled back and looked up at me frowning. His eyes gleamed hazel.

"And why would I do that? I would have to have feelings for you to do that." He stood up straight and brushed himself off. "Now get out, I've had my fun."

"Are you joking right now?" I felt like daggers were being stabbed into my chest. He has to be joking.

"No. Arousal happens to be a side effect to the transition. You happened to be here."

"You're unbelievable." I said, storming out of the room before tears could fall from my eyes.

Harry sat on his broom above the Burrow watching the sunset. He left the day after to be with the Weasleys, he couldn't face Draco. He had been gone for a couple of days. The full moon was yesterday. Harry felt bad for not being there for Draco but he was still hurt about what Draco had said. He hadn't noticed Ginny had come out until she flew right next to him.

"What are you thinking about?" Ginny watched as Harry moved his hair out of his face.

"Malfoy." Ginny laughed  at him. "What's funny?"

"That's all you've been thinking about. Malfoy. He's an ass Harry. He played with your emotions." Ginny had a point. Draco had been messed with Harry's feelings, making him believe there was something between them by kissing him.

"It just felt like something real." Harry mumbled. "I've had a massive crush on him for a while. He could spit on me and I'd say thank you."

"You're telling me that didn't already happen?" Ginny said. Harry chuckled in response.

"Unfortunately, no." Harry sighed and continued. "I just felt like he felt the same way towards me. But no, he was just acting like that because of the transition."

"That isn't an excuse to hurt you."

"But Ginny you weren't there. You didn't see the way his eyes got lighter when we locked eyes. You didn't see the way he looked at me like I was all that mattered. I don't believe that he did it because of the transition. I think he's just afraid to admit that he likes me."

"You wanna know what I think?" Harry nodded in response. "I think that if he apologizes when he see's you, he didn't mean it. If he chooses to ignore you, he meant it. If he's sorry about it then he's considering your feelings."

"And him considering my feelings means what?"

"That he has feelings for you. Or at least cares about you." Silence fell over them as the sun slowly faded away.

"If he doesn't apologize, the New Years eve party is going to be awkward." They watched as the sun finally set. Harry turned to face Ginny and a grin spread across his face. "Race you down."

~ ~ ~

Back in Grimmauld place, Draco laid in his bed trying to keep his mind at ease. His body hurt all over. The transformation was more painful than he had anticipated. But not as painful as knowing he hurt Harry. Someone knocked lightly on the door.

"Come in." Draco said in a low voice. Hermione opened the door slowly and smiled brightly at the boy.

"Hey! I wanted to come make sure you were okay, since the full moon was last night." Hermione spoke quickly.

"Don't remind me." Draco mumbled. "My whole body is in pain." Hermione walked over and sat at the edge of his bed.

"I can only imagine how bad it feels. I brought a healing potion, do you want it?" She reached into her bag and pulled out a small vile. Draco smiled lightly and nodded. Hermione handed it to him as he slowly sat up in bed, groaning in pain. He swallowed it and coughed at the horrid taste. "So how are you doing? Besides the whole transformation. Remus told me Harry left to the Burrow."

"I'm fine." He wasn't. "What are your plans for New Years Eve?"

"I'll be with my family. My great aunt throws the best New Years Eve parties. Are you going with Remus and Sirius to the Weasleys?" Hermione turned to sit more comfortable on the bed. Draco sighed. I forgot they were hosting the party. I probably shouldn't go, it's tomorrow night and I'm still in pain.

"No, I don't think I will." Draco said quietly.

"Why not?" Hermione watched Draco carefully. He avoided making eye contact with her, keeping his head hung low. "Are you sure you're fine Draco?"

"Something happened with Potter." He sighed. "I kissed him. As a thank you for the Christmas gift's he'd gotten me. And then we were kissing again and I teased him for having a crush on me. He told me to just admit I like him and he pushed me. It made me mad, it triggered something in me and I snapped at him. And now he'll probably never speak to me again."

"So your plan is to avoid him?" Draco shrugged. "Tell me how you really feel about him. Spill it."

"Fine. Every time I see him, I fall for him even harder. His eyes could lure me to my death and I wouldn't mind it. I love the way the corners of his eyes crinkle when he smiles. I love how his laugh could fill a room. I love that he's never afraid of challenge and he always sticks up for the people he loves. And I wish I were one of those people. I wish he'd just wrap his arms around me and make me feel safe for once in my life." Draco felt good actually talking about it. "But I'm scared to get close to him. I've never been in a relationship, especially not with a boy. It's so frowned upon in my family. I don't want to drag him into the mess that's my life. I have too many issues that I don't want him to worry about. He has his own issues. I don't need to be a burden on his life."

"Wow. That was more than I was expecting." Hermione said smiling. Draco smiled back at her with a slight blush. "I think you should just talk to him about it. You can't hide your feelings from him forever."

"But I don't want him to have to deal with me. Besides, I have bigger things to worry about." Draco mumbled the last part. "I'm not going to the party. He'd have a better time without me there. I don't mind being alone."

"Is that really what you want?" Hermione asked. I don't know what I want. Draco nodded. "Alright well, I should get going. I hope you feel better. If you need to talk about anything, send me a letter okay?"

"I will. Thank you for the healing potion. And for even coming in the first place. You're a good friend Hermione." Draco gave her a warm smile. Hermione sat up from the bed and placed a gentle kiss on Draco's head. They said their goodbyes and Draco was alone again.

Draco didn't know what to feel. The concept of love had always been foreign to him. Sure his mother loves him and he loves her. But he's never had any romantic feelings for anyone but Harry.

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