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TW: Abuse and mention of suicide.

"I'm sorry aunt Petunia, my hand slipped." I said rushing over to the spilt coffee. Petunia slowly rose from her seat at the kitchen table. She made her way over to me with a stern look on her face.

"You've ruined my morning coffee."

"I can make another pot." I said hurriedly as I finished cleaning up the coffee I had already spilled.

She gripped my hair and dragged me over to the stove where the coffee pot stood, piping hot. I winced in pain. A small amount of coffee remained in the pot.

"Drink it."

"It's too hot. It'll burn me."

"I didn't ask. Drink it or there will be consequences." I shook my head no. "Very well. Dudley!"

I heard his heavy footsteps stomp down the stairs. I shut my eyes. Preparing for the pain.  Petunia threw me forward. I landed right in front of Dudleys feet.

"Harry here tried to serve me coffee that was too hot. You know mummy wouldn't like that." She said with a fake frown on her lips.

Dudley eyed me menacingly. He kicked me straight in the face, causing me to fall back. He climbed on top of me and punched me in the face. I felt warm blood slip out of my nose. One last hit sent me into unconsciousness.

Harry woke up gasping for air. The memories of his aunt and cousin overwhelmed him with emotions. He hadn't had a nightmare about his old home in months. He focused on his breathing and tried to calm himself down before waking up the other boys in the room.

He relaxed himself and reached over to his bedside table. He put on his glasses and grabbed his wand.

"Lumos." He whispered and stepped out of bed. He pulled a black hoodie over his head and laced up his shoes. The dorm room was quiet besides Ron's soft snores. He knelt by his trunk and pulled out his cloke, along with the marauders map. "I solemnly swear I'm up to no good."

The map revealed itself to Harry. He unfolded it and scanned it over. He checked the Slytherin dorms and noticed a name was missing. He found who he was looking for and snuck out of the dorm as quietly as possible. His cloak hung loosely on him.

He made his way through the castle without any interruptions. It was the middle of the night. No one else was awake. He climbed up the astronomy tower and spotted the silver haired boy. The moonlight made his hair shimmer.

"Would you like some company?" Harry asked. He stood a few feet away from Draco, who sat with his legs over the edge of the tower. He gently slid off his invisibility cloak.

Draco didn't look up at Harry. He stared at the ground below him, wondering how painful the fall would be.

"How did you know I was up here?" Draco said. Harry took a small step closer.

"I have a magical map that shows me anyone in the castle." Harry said with a smirk on his face. Draco laughed lightly and turned to look at the boy behind him.

Pale Moonlight (drarry)Where stories live. Discover now