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(Dracos thoughts, Harry's thoughts)

It was now Christmas break. Draco sat quietly the whole train ride to Kings Cross. Blaise, Pansy, Crabbe and Goyle shared the same silence. They were all preparing to receive their dark mark. They hadn't mentioned it to anyone but each other.

Draco avoided Harry when they got to the train. He couldn't face him. He's about to join Voldemort's side and be a death eater. And he doesn't have a choice. He can't stand the idea of Voldemort using him against Harry. He had grown a crush on the raven haired boy but pushed it away. They were on different sides. Their fate wouldn't be ideal, they'd end up like Romeo and Juliet. Pansy had said goodbye to Hermione before they left Hogwarts so Pansys father wouldn't see them together.

The train pulled up to the station and the five Slytherins gathered their things. They made their way out of the train and gathered around each other. Draco watched as Harry, Ron and Hermione ran to their families. The Weasleys were always pleased to see the three. Remus smiled brightly at the sight of Harry and embraced the boy in a tight hug. Dracos heart sunk at the realization that he'd never receive affection like that. Especially not from Potter.

"There's my father. I'll see you boys Sunday." Pansy hugged each of them. When she got to Draco, he pulled her into a tight hug. "Take care of yourself Draco. It's going to be okay." She pulled away and gently touched his face. He put his hand on top of hers. She walked away with a sad smile and Draco's hand lingered on his cheek. Pansy was the only person, other than his mother, that he was okay with touching him.

"Draco." His fathers cold voice spoke from behind him. He turned around and came face to face with his father. His mother stood beside him, smiling. "Say goodbye to your friends and meet us outside." His father turned quickly. His mother walked up to him and put her hand in his shoulder with a smile.

"I've missed you Draco. I can't wait to catch up with you." She spoke softly and followed Lucius out of the station.

"Goodbye for now boys." Draco shook each of their hands and left in the direction his parents had.

Harry spotted the silver haired boy leaving quickly. He wishes Draco would've said goodbye.

"Ready to go home?" Remus interrupted Harry's thoughts. Harry had been spending his breaks with Remus and his godfather Sirius since Sirius's return. When they found out how the Dursley's treated Harry, Sirius threatened them and had Harry move into Grimmauld place with him.

"Yeah, I'm ready." He turned to Ron and Hermione. "See you two on Christmas." They embraced in a group hug and went their separate ways. Remus apparated them to the front of the old house.

"Sirius has been talking about you non stop. Don't let him tell you what we got you for Christmas, he can't contain himself. Alohomora." The door unlocked and Remus opened it, stepping into the house. Harry followed after.

"Harry!" Sirius shouted rushing quickly down the stairs. He was wearing a Smiths shirt and black jeans. Harry liked that he dressed normal. Not posh like the other Purebloods. he dressed the same as he did when he was younger. Harry only knew from all of the pictures Remus has of them. He made sure to give Harry every picture he had of James and Lily.

"Hi Sirius." Sirius brought Harry into a bone crushing hug. "I missed you so much." Harry mumbled given he was pressed against Sirius's shoulder.

"I missed you so much more. I have more music to show you. Remus got me some more records!" Sirius pulled away from Harry. Harry's music was influenced a lot by Sirius. He wasn't allowed to have anything when he lived with the Dursley's, let alone a record player or an 8 track. Sirius had gifted Harry a Walkman and he frequently recorded tapes for Harry. They listened to a lot of 70s and 80s rock. Harry also enjoyed newer bands like Nirvana and the Red Hot Chili Peppers.

"Sirius, let him get settled in first." Remus chuckled and smiled fondly at the man before him. "I'll start making dinner, care to help me?"

"Of course my love." Sirius replied. Harry smiled at them and they parted ways. Harry made his way up to his room. He decorated it quite a lot since he moved in. He had a Gryffindor flag hung up in his wall along with band posters. He had his own record player and a few vinyls. His closet was full of flannels and ripped jeans. He didn't take long to unpack because he never brought too many clothes with him to Hogwarts. He got used to having a small wardrobe. This is definitely better than being at the Dursley's.

He picked out a plain white shirt with plaid pajama pants and made his way to the bathroom. He let the warm water wash over him and he thought about Draco. Not in that way. Why did he avoid me? Had I said something wrong? Malfoy's just...complicated.

"So how has school been?" Remus asked as Harry sat down at the long table.

"It's been alright. I don't want to jinx it though." Sirius placed a plate of pot roast, carrots and potatoes in front of Harry. "Is there any pumpkin juice?"

"Yes, we stocked up before you got here." Sirius leapt towards the refrigerator and tossed a cold pumpkin juice bottle to Harry. "So how are things with little Malfoy?" He set down Remus's and his plates and sat don't at the end of the table to the left of Harry. Remus sat across from Harry with two glasses of wine.

Harry thought for a second. He didn't know what to say. He had told them about Draco accidentally when he came out to them as bisexual. He had a huge crush on Draco but Draco resented Harry. He avoided him and said mean things to him but Harry just wanted to be close to the boy.

"I don't know. We don't talk that much anymore. Not that we spoke a lot before. It used to be fun, to go back and forth at each other. Now he doesn't speak to me at all. Voldemort is up to something and I think Malfoy may be involved but he never tells me anything." Harry vented. He began eating to shut up.

"That poor boy. Malfoy would be the type to drag his son into his own mess. Poor Narcissa has to deal with that horrible man everyday." Sirius took a sip of his wine. "And to endanger young Malfoy by having Voldemort live there? Malfoy will do anything to please him." Remus kicked Sirius under the table and looked at Harry whose face had fell.

"It'll be alright Harry. Malfoy is a smart not. He won't do anything he doesn't agree with." Remus face Harry a reassuring smile.

I hope he'll be alright.

Pale Moonlight (drarry)Where stories live. Discover now