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"Malfoy honey, can I speak with you?" Narcissa stood outside of Draco's room door. He got up from his bed quickly and opened his room door. His smile fell when he noticed his father standing behind her.

"What is it?"

"Draco, as you know, you and your friends are due to receive your Dark Marks tomorrow." Lucius's voice was cold and monotone. "The Dark Lord has special orders for you. Draco you must not disagree with him and do as he says. For your own safety." For mine or yours?

"What does he want me to do?" Anxiety grew inside of Draco.

"I can't tell you now. He wants to make the announcement in front of the rest of us Death Eaters." Lucius pushes past Narcissa and grabbed Draco by the collar of his shirt. "You better agree with him boy. You will not make our family look bad."

Draco nodded quickly and his father let go of him. He walked away quickly leaving Draco even more scared than before. His mother lifted his chin and looked her son in the eyes.

"My little Orchid, it's going to be alright dear. Everything is going to be alright. Your father wouldn't put you through anything you can't handle. You're a strong young man." She put her forehead against his and he nodded slowly. She kissed the top of his head and left, closing his door behind her.

Draco ran his hands through his hair and tried not to cry. He walked to his desk and sat down, pulling out his journal. He didn't have a lot of people he trusted with his feelings other than Pansy. So he kept a journal. He loved to write.

December 23rd 1996
Today I'm feeling anxious. This Christmas Eve is going to be the worst yet. I'm going to spend it in pain as I receive my dark mark. I'm worried about what the Dark Lord wants me to do, and what he's going to do to me if I refuse. Maybe if I run away, I won't have to worry about this. Potter told me I could hide with Sirius, but I wouldn't want to leave my mother behind. The Dark Lord will have her killed and my father would do nothing to stop him. I'm considering writing a letter to Potter. If Voldemort kills me, I want Potter to know that I never really hated him. I hated that he wasn't and would never be mine. Tomorrow, my whole world will change. And I don't know how to feel about it.
                                           Draco Malfoy

Draco always signed his name after writing a journal entry. It was a habit. He put his journal away and shuffled to his bed. He laid silently staring at his ceiling. Tomorrow, my whole world will change. He drifted into a dreamless sleep.

The next morning. Draco felt a little in his stomach. He got up, quickly running into his bathroom and vomited. He felt so much anxiety that it made him throw up. He wasn't ready for the day. He brushed his teeth and looked at himself in the mirror. He looked ill. In the shower, he tried to think of happier thoughts, like how he'd see his friends today. At least they'll be there with me.

Draco got dressed in a black turtleneck and black dress pants. He slid on a black dress coat and looked at himself in the mirror. His hair was slicked back how he usually had it. He smiled at himself and his way downstairs to find his mother.

"Draco, you look wonderful." Narcissa smiled at her son as she walked towards the door. "Your friends have just arrived." She opened the door and greeted Pansy's father. Lucius walked up from behind Draco.

"Don't be rude boy, go welcome our guests." He shoved Draco forward, causing him to stumble. He pulled himself together and shook Pansys fathers hand.

"Nice to see you sir." Pansy walked in right behind her father and hugger Narcissa.

"Hello Draco, good to see you." She spoke. She wore a dark purple beaded dress that fit her body nicely, with a long black coat.

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