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Draco laid on his bed trying to sleep. He tossed and turned hoping to get comfortable. He sighed and gave up, staring at his ceiling. He thought about Harry, his robe and how his scent lingered on it. He wanted nothing more than to be cuddling with it. Or even better, cuddling with Harry.That would be impossible. Harry would never cuddle with me. He drifted off to sleep thinking about the green eyed boy.

The next morning, Draco didn't bother going to breakfast. He didn't have the energy to deal with Crabbe and Goyle again. He expected to see Pansy waiting for him in the common room but she had already left. He assumed she was already with Hermione.

He walked through the corridors to his first class, transfiguration. The halls began to fill with students as breakfast came to an end. He walked quickly with his head held high as he usually did, trying not to be bothered by the overwhelming scents and sounds.

"Draco! Wait up!" Blaise said from behind him. Draco stopped and turned to find his friend in the crowd of students. He spotted the tall boy and smiled lightly. Blaise tossed a green apple to Draco who caught it quickly. "Thought you would want some breakfast."

"Thanks." Draco bit into the Apple. Blaise smiled at his friend and they walked alongside each other.

"You're not mad at me are you?" Blaise asked. Draco frowned at him.

"Why would I be mad at you?"

"I don't know. I feel like you're avoiding me. I just want to make sure we're still friends." Blaise said quickly.

"I'm not mad at you. In case you haven't noticed, I'm avoiding everyone." Draco mumbled. They weaved through other students until they made it to his first class.

"Are you worried about the Dark Lords plan?" Blaise said in a low whisper. Draco felt uneasy hearing about it out loud. He wanted to ignore it as much as he could but everyone seemed to want to talk about it.

"I'm fine. Don't worry about me mate." Draco gave Blaise a reassuring smile. "I'll see you in potions." Blaise nodded before waving a goodbye to Draco. He sat in his usual seat and sighed. Each day that went by marked one more day closer to the end of Voldemort. Or him. He tried to pay attention to class but he couldn't stop thinking about every possible thing that could go wrong.

He was in such a daze that he hadn't realized he was walking to his next class already. His reality was beyond altered. Overthinking was second nature to him now. He sat at his desk and rubbed his face with his hands.

"Didn't sleep well?" A calm voice said from behind him. He lifted his head and turned around. It was Hermione. She placed her hand gently on his back.

"Not really." He mumbled. Hermione sat in Harry's seat and watched Draco carefully.

"Do you want me to brew you some dreamless sleep potion?" She asked sweetly. Draco shook his head.

"I know how. But that's not the problem. I can't get myself to go to sleep." He said, turning his gaze away from Hermione.

"What's bothering you?" She asked. Two loud voices entered the room and began laughing. Draco winced at the sudden loudness. Hermione turned and spotted Ron and Harry laughing so hard, they had to lean on each other for support. She glared at them. Harry made his way to his desk, breathing heavily. "We'll talk later Draco. Harry, try to be more considerate."

Harry looked at her in confusion. Hermione looked at Draco and quickly back to Harry and raised her brow. It clicked in Harry's brain that she had meant he needed to be more quiet. He nodded and she walked away.

"Hey." Harry said as he took his seat. Draco turned to him and nodded in acknowledgment. "I'm sorry if we were too loud. I forgot."

"It's fine." Draco said plainly. Harry took the hint that Draco didn't want to talk and shifted in his seat. Professor Slughorn began class with a lecture.

Harry snuck glances at Draco without him noticing. He wasn't too sure about asking Draco out to hogsmead now. Meanwhile, Draco was overwhelmed with the smell of Harry. The smell was comforting to him. It was also the most familiar to him given he lived with Harry for some time. I should write to Remus and Sirius. I miss them more than I thought.

"Have you heard from Remus and Sirius?" Draco asked quietly but enough for Harry to hear. Harry shook his head.

"No I haven't. I suppose they're busy with Order stuff. I was planning on writing to them after the Hogsmeade trip." Harry said quietly. "Are you going with Pansy?"

"No. She'll be with Hermione. I don't feel like third wheeling." Draco now turned his attention to Harry who scratched his scar lightly. "Are you nervous about something?"

"What? No." Harry looked back at Draco and frowned. "Why do you ask?"

"Remus said before that you scratch your scar when you're nervous, thinking or reading. So which is it?" Draco said smoothly. Harry was shocked that Draco had remembered and even noticed.

"Thinking." Harry said quickly. Draco raised his brow at him.

"About?" Draco kept his gaze on Harry. Nows the time to ask him. Just spit it out.

"About how to fix your third wheeling problem. We could hangout, if you want." Harry watched as Draco's lips curled into a small smile.

"You want to hangout with me?" Draco asked. Harry smiled back at the boy before him.

"Yeah. Maybe we could make it a double date? Hermione and Pansy. You and I. Or not we could just hangout or something." Harry hesitated. He felt his cheeks warm up as he blushed in embarrassment.

"I'd like that." Draco said trying to hide a goofy smile. Class was dismissed and he got up to leave. Harry was stuck, dumbfounded in his seat. Draco was out of the classroom and headed to his next class when he felt a tug on his robe.

"Wait, Malfoy." Harry said from behind him. Draco turned to face Harry, staring down at him. They stood quite close. "Did you mean you'd like to go on a date or hangout?" Draco chuckled softly.

"I'd like to go on a date with you." Draco said softly. He couldn't help but feel soft around Harry.

"Okay, great." Harry smiled widely at Draco. "I have to go but I'll see you at dinner?"

"Maybe." Draco shrugged. Harry frowned at him. "Yes, I'll be at dinner." Harry smiled again.

"Good." Harry stepped back to leave and waved lightly at Draco. He bumped into a first year and stumbled a bit earning a small chuckle from Draco. They both left their separate ways. Draco couldn't wipe his smile off of his face. Maybe things will get better. This is a start.

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