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Harry found himself thinking about Draco more often. He tried to force himself to stop liking him but he couldn't. He looked for silver hair everywhere he went. He noticed that Draco hasn't come to dinner in the past 3 days. He decided to confront him about it. He made his way to the library. Hermione, Pansy and Draco go there to study every other day.

He entered the library and walked to their usual group study room. Draco was lost in a book while Hermione and Pansy spoke quietly to each other. Hermione noticed Harry and motioned for him to come in.

"Hi Harry." Pansy said, Draco looked up from his book and looked at Pansy who sent him a wink.

"Hi Pansy, Hermione. Can I talk to you for a second, Malfoy?" Harry said quickly.

"Can it wait?" Draco said, diverting his attention back to his book. Pansy snatched it away and mouthed "go". Draco got up and followed Harry out of the library. "What is it?" Draco asked once they were out.

"I wanted to check on you. How have you been feeling?" Harry asked.

"What does it matter to you?" Draco snapped. He instantly regretted it. Being rude to Harry was second nature to him.

"I just noticed that you haven't been in the dining hall during dinner. You can't defeat Voldemort if you're weak." Harry said quietly. Draco's heart fluttered knowing Harry noticed he was gone.

"I'm fine. Thank you for your concern." Draco avoided looking into Harry's eyes. He couldn't help but feel awkward.

"Then I hope to see you at dinner tonight." Harry said, smiling slightly.

"Asking me on a date, Potter?" Draco joked, smirking at the boy. Green met gray. Draco felt warm inside as he gazed into Harry's emerald eyes.

"I wish." Harry blurted out. "wait-no I meant you wish, like you wish I was asking you on a date." Harry struggled, pushing his glasses up. Draco genuinely smiled for the first time in a while.

"You're right. See you at dinner, Potter." Draco winked at Harry before walking back into the library. Oh merlin I really just did that.

Harry couldn't process what had just happend. He winked at me, he really winked at me. And his smirk and his eyes and he- wait he said I was right. Right about what? Him wishing I would ask him on a date? He collected himself and rushed to Divination. He climbed up into the class room and took a seat next to Ron.

"What are we doing today?" Harry asked. Ron shrugged in response.

"Today we will be reading tea leaves. Drink up now." Professor Trelawney explained. Ron poured two cups of tea and handed on to Harry. They took little sips. "Don't drink too much. Now, pass to your partner. Open your minds eye and tell me what you see."

Ron and Harry exchanged cups. Harry couldn't make out anything in Ron's cup. He studied the cup carefully. Ron took a glance at Harry's and immediately laughed. Professor Trelawney shushed the boy.

"What is is?" Harry snatched the tea cup out of Ron's hand. He turned it around and noticed his tea leaves were in the shape of a wolf. It reminded him of 3rd year when he got the grim which turned out to be Sirius. "What do you think it means?"

"Are you kidding? It's obvious." Ron said, shaking his head. He leaned closer to Harry and whispered. "It's Malfoy"

"What about him though?" Harry was confused. Why would Malfoy be in my tea leaves? And why as a wolf?

"Maybe something's going to happen the next full moon." Ron frowned in confusion. "But you're not apart of that plan. So what's it to you?"

"Ahhh the wolf." Professor Trelawney said from behind Harry. "It represents someone who's alone. The lone wolf if you will. This person is reserved but can have a temper. Perhaps someone you know already." She said before walking away to another desk. Ron smirked knowingly at Harry.

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