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Draco woke up in a daze. It took him a while to sit up in bed. He felt numb, like he was nothing. He couldn't feel sadness or happiness. Just a numb feeling. He ran his hands through his hair and sighed. He remembered that he had passed out, he knew it was from the amount of blood he lost. Voices could be heard from downstairs. Draco frowned and walked to his door, opening it slightly. He heard Harry talk about how Voldemort had affected his life. He missed hearing Harry's voice.

He hesitated but made his way down the stairs. He walked in as Remus finished talking.

"Watch me." Harry said confidently. Draco looked around and spotted Dumbledore, his eyes widened. Dumbledore looked over to him.

"Ah Draco, please join us. We have a lot to discuss." He said in the same calm voice. Harry and Sirius snapped their head around to see him. Draco ignored Harry's gaze and walked to the table slowly taking a seat. "Harry, Remus is right. You won't be strong enough to do it. Your wand's prevent you from killing each other but he can severely harm you."

"Then I'll use a different wand." Harry spoke sternly. Draco avoided looking at the boy. This was Draco's fault. Now Harry will be involved in this mess. The mess Draco had created.

"It's not as easy as that. Here's what we'll do, Draco, you will go back." Draco snapped his head up and stared at Dumbledore in shock. Sirius shook his head frantically.

"No, there is no way in hell that he's going back. Neither of my boys will be put into danger." Sirius said. Remus nodded in agreement. Dumbledore kept his gaze on Draco, ignoring Sirius.

"You will go back and tell him you'll do it. Tell him you will do it before the end of next month when school is back in session. Tell him you want him to be there. He'll bring other death eaters, but the members of the order will take care of them. When it's just the three of us, act as if you are going to kill me and I'll defeat him." He paused and looked around the room. "With all of us together, we can take him down. His followers will go into hiding once he's dead."

"I can take him to Voldemort. I'll be there to assist the both of you in defeating him." Severus finally spoke. He looked at Draco and nodded. All eye's were on him, waiting for his response. He finally met Harry's eyes and a wave of guilt fell over him. If he refuses, Harry will try and do it. Losing Potter isn't an option.

"I'll do it." He kept his gaze with Harry and stared into his favorite green eyes. He took this time to really look at Harry. His messy hair fell slightly over his glasses.

"No. Give him some time to think about it while we try to think of another plan." Sirius said suddenly.

"I agree, we need another plan. One where I'll be the one to do it." Harry said, looking into Draco's dark gray eyes. Harry doesn't like when they're dark because it usually means Draco is sad.

"Harry, enough." Remus said sternly. Harry diverted his eyes from Draco and looked up at Remus.

"Remus, I have to do it. My life is worth risking if it means I'll save more." Remus shook his head and approached Harry quickly, eyes gleaming hazel. He gripped Harry by his collar and pulled him close.

"You will not put yourself in that kind of danger. Am I clear?" Harry's heart raced as memories of his uncle Vernon flashed back to him. "Am I clear dammit?!" Remus shouted, eyes gleaming hazel. Sirius quickly approached the two and shoved Remus away.

"Remus calm down." Sirius said. Harry stumbled back and his breathing became heavy. Draco rose from his seat as well.

"These dishes are meant to be done at all times, am I clear?" Uncle Vernon said coldly. I stood frozen in place.

Pale Moonlight (drarry)Where stories live. Discover now