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Harry ignored Draco the whole week. Not one word was spoken between the two. Draco took the hint that Harry didn't want anything to do with him so he kept his distance. He spent a lot of time in his room reading. Draco started to eat once a day, late at night, while everyone else is sleeping. Sleep wasn't an option for him. He couldn't sleep without having nightmares.

On the other hand, Harry had been sleeping too much. He didn't want to be awake thinking about Draco. He knew Draco would be leaving soon but he figured it will hurt less when Draco leaves if they don't talk. He accepted that he wouldn't be the one to defeat Voldemort. The plan was set in stone.

Remus and Sirius picked up that there was something going on between the two boys. They decided they were going to split up and talk to the two before Draco has to go. Remus knocked on Draco's door. Sirius had taken Harry to the living room to listen to music. Draco opened the door and Remus noticed that the room was very clean. Draco was always very neat but this time felt different.

"Hello Remus." Draco smiled at the older man. Remus smiled back. Draco reminded him of Sirius. Both of them always stood with amazing posture.

"Hi Draco, can I come in?" He asked. Draco nodded and stepped aside so Remus could come in. "How are you feeling?"

"I feel fine. I finished gathering all of my things." Draco motioned to his bed where he had all of his clothes neatly folded with his books and journal on top. "Do you know when Severus is coming for me?"

"I'm not sure." Remus hesitated before speaking again. "Is everything alright with you and Harry? Things seem a little tense." Draco frowned and looked down.

"I said something I shouldn't have to him. I couldn't control the way I felt. I apologized but he seemed to not want anything to do with me so I gave him some space. It's alright though." Draco spoke quickly.

"What happened?" Remus asked.

"I got scared. I don't want him to have to deal with me. So I told him I only did it because of arousal from the transition." Draco's cheeks heated up. "Anyway, I need to learn how to handle my emotions and I'm worried about my next transformations. Does being a werewolf ever get easy?"

"I'm afraid not. But you'll learn how to control your emotions. They'll be more intense if they're about someone you hold close to your heart." Remus explained. "As for the transformations, they get easier, less painful. They'll always leave you uncomfortable and sore." Draco nodded and sighed.

"I don't think I ever told you-" Draco was interrupted by Sirius calling their names.

"Draco! Remus! Severus is here!" Sirius shouted. He didn't have to be too loud because they're hearing is really good. Draco picked up his things and spelled them to fit in his pocket. Remus pat his shoulder and lead the boy down the stairs.

Severus stood with Sirius and Harry in the living room. Asleep by the Smiths played softly. Harry avoided looking at Draco. Draco avoided looking at Harry. He greeted Severus and turned to face Remus who wrapped his arm around a worried Sirius.

"As I was saying, I don't think I ever told you two how thankful I am. It was nice to have people around who cared about me and how I felt. It was nice to laugh and learn about music. You three are a real family. And I'm lucky to have been a part of it for this little time. Thank you." Draco said, trying not to cry. He wasn't ready for what's to come. Sirius's eyes watered as he embraced Draco in a hug.

"You've grown on me cousin. I hope we meet again soon." Sirius said pulling away from Draco. "You're so brave for doing this, do you know that? Being around Gryffindors seemed to rub off on you." Draco chuckled. Remus smiled from beside him.

"It was a pleasure having you. I'm going to miss your crepes." Remus said making Draco smile. "Don't hesitate to write to me if you have any werewolf concerns or just someone to talk to. I'll always answer." Don't cry. Don't fucking cry Draco.

Draco looked over at Harry but Harry kept his head down.

"See you in school, Potter." Draco said and walked over to Severus. Harry didn't reply. "Goodbye." Severus took Draco's hand and apparated them to Malfoy Manor.

After they left, Harry stood up and rushed to his room. What the fuck was I supposed to say? Now he's gone. I don't have to worry about him anymore. But Harry did worry about Draco. What if the plan goes wrong and something bad happens to him?

Sirius followed Harry up to his room and stood in his doorway. Harry sighed and sat on his bed.

"Care to tell me what's going on?" Sirius said looking at Harry in confusion. Remus stood behind him. Harry looked up at the two.

"I don't mean anything to him. I thought he shared the same feelings but I was wrong. We kissed and when I told him to admit that he likes me, he told me he only kissed me because of arousal. He blamed it on his transition. I just, this was my chance to get close to him and I blew it." Harry felt himself start to cry. "I'm not enough for him. I want to hate him but I can't. I just let him walk away."

Sirius sat next to Harry and wrapped his arm around him. Remus followed and sat on the other side of Harry.

"How do you know you're not enough for him?" Remus said. Harry and Sirius looked at him in confusion. "I spoke to him this morning. He said he got scared when he said what he said. He said he didn't want you to have to deal with him. He has to feel something about you if he kissed you."

"Well it's too late now. He's gone. I need to move on." Harry said.

"You'll see each other in school won't you?" Sirius asked. Harry nodded.

"Yeah but we don't have to talk. It'll be how it was before."

~ ~ ~

Severus and Draco stood in front of Malfoy Manor. Anxiety crept through Draco's body. They knocked on the door and waited. Lucius opened the door, he looked at his son in disgust. Draco's heart sank.

"What are you doing here, traitor." He spoke coldly. Draco cleared his throat and stood up straight.

"I'm here to tell the Dark Lord I'll do it. I'll follow his orders. I realize that it's in my best interest to follow the Dark Lord. I was wrong to have left, father." Draco said with a straight face. He needed to lie his way in. Lucius looked Draco up and down.

"Very well. I'll let him know my son came to his senses. Come in."Lucius stepped aside to let Draco and Severus in. "Follow me." They followed Lucius into a large room. Voldemort stood with Bellatrix . "Dark Lord, my son has returned. He agree's to follow through with your request." Voldemort gave a eerie smile.

"I'll do it before the end of the month before testing. I can get him alone." Draco explained. "I want you to be there so you can see it with your own eyes." Voldemort nodded.

"Good. I know you won't fail us. But since you left and disobeyed my order, you will be punished." He said coldly. "You will learn not to disappoint me." Before Draco could protest, Voldemort crucioed him. He fell to his knees screaming in pain. Voldemort stopped and laughed. "Take him away from here. Put him with his mother." Lucius and Severus picked Draco up. They lead him down to the dungeons. No one speaking a word as Draco cried.

They reached the dungeons that were guarded by Fenrir. Chills crawled down Draco's back when he saw the man. Fenrir opened the dungeon and threw Draco in. Severus and Lucius stepped back as Fenrir locked the metal door. Narcissa noticed Draco and ran to him.

"Oh Draco, what are you doing here?" She helped him up and lead him further down the dungeon. "What happened to you?" Draco leaned against his mother and cried. She wrapped her arms around her son and held him tight.

"I'm going to get us out of here, okay? I promise." Draco said into his mothers shoulder. She nodded her head and held him closer.

"I've missed you so much my Orchid."

"I've missed you so much more."

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