What to Do While You're Grounded

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12:24 P.M.

Cuphead: Hey guys, so I'm doing a secret YouTube recording! The thing is, well.... I got grounded... again.

Cuphead: I don't know why, I just smashed a plate while playing Plateball. Elder Kettle said that I did this before, so instead of 1 month, I got grounded for 3 months!! Kettle is so not fair, anyway, this is the end of the vlog, Cuppyboy182-yepp out!

*End of recording*


Elder Kettle: Cuphead, who are you talking to?

Cuphead: NOBODY! *hides the camera, and grabs out his secret phone, checks out Facebook*


Grim Matchstick is watching Titanic with Baroness Von Bon Bon - 1:24 P.M

Hanging with my girlfriend to see a movie! Best  movie ever! Super upsetting though...


Cuphead: Expected *keeps scrolling*

Rumor Honeybottoms is with Cagney Carnation - 1:25 P.M.

Looking at some flowers with a weed. Hope he doesn't see me typing this text, lol. 

Cagney Carnation likes this


Cuphead: Okay, not so expected *scrolls and sees a page full of posts*


Mugman is planting flowers, is feeling sad - 1:22 P.M.

My brother is grounded, so nothing really interesting is happening today.

Baroness Von Bon Bon and 4 other people like this, or feel sad

Sans the Skeleton (Cuphead: How did he get into my pro- Oh well, guess I'll read it anyway...) - 1:30 P.M.

Incineroar is chasing me because I hit him, is it cat instinct or something?! AHHHHH HE'S ABOUT TO FLAME ME!!!!! BYE FOR NOW!?

Pappapchef2 likes this


Mugman : Dude, that was a REALLY stupid thing to do! You should never touch a cat or any animal that way, or else it'll use self-defense!!!

Cagney Carnation: Stupid idea...

Ribby: By the way, where is Cuphead? He hasn't posted all day!

Mugman: He's grounded again.

Cagney Carnation: Oh, k.

Mugman: He is kind of annoying that way, that was the second plate he broke this week!

Sans the Skeleton:  My back is burning. Incineroar burned my back... There is no joke to the immense pain I feel right now, It could be "burn my behind, hit your back" haha....oww.

Cagney Carnation: Is it a mild burn?

Sans the Skeleton: Yea

Mugman: Then it can be healed by cold water. Normally, the first time you offend Incineroar, he does a mild burn as a warning. If you do it a second time, he burns you a lot, and it's even harder than Grim's. He also adds scratches. Like a regular cat would.

Sans the Skeleton: Oh, okay. Thanks for the advice!

*Mugman has closed the group chat*


Cuphead: *anime gasp* They're talking about me online!! *closes Facebook* Uhhh, what should I do now, ooh! I could get farther in my book!

Cuphead: *pulls out his book*

Chapter 27: The Cold Night

The night was cold, the shimmery sunshine killed-

Cuphead: Meh, this is boring. *puts it away*. Every chapter is one sentence anyway. 

Cuphead: *sighs* Everyone on Facebook is having fun, and here I am, in my room! This sucks!

Elder Kettle: Cuphead, you may play outside for a while.

Cuphead: YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAYYY!!! *runs outside, it is raining* WHAT THE?! *checks his facebook*

Mugman is heading back to Elder Kettle's house - 1:57 P.M.

Awwwwww.... It just started raining, oh well, can't wait to see Cuphead after a while!


Elder Kettle: Cuphead! What are you doing out on YOU'RE PHONE?!?!?!

Cuphead: Uhh... I pwead the fifth

Elder Kettle: Cuphead, I sentence you to being grounded for 2 more weeks!!!


Elder Kettle: Cuphead is having a bad day!

The End

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