Dwunk Textings

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A/N This is also a text between Cup and Sonic! Both are there!

Cuphead has created the group chat, "Inkwell and Mobius" Invited 30 people.

Sonic: Why are we in here?

Mugman: Yeah...?

Tails: Mugman?!

Mugman: Tails?!

Sonic: This is really off.

Grim Matchstick: I'm confused...

Cuphead: I wanted all of us to chat again!

Sonic: Awkward....

Cuphead: Well, we're suppose to go back to our roots....

Knuckles: Hekkos,a Somewun gives me a mussuge.

Tails: The heck?

Sonic: Knuckles?

Wally Warbles: What's with the red one?

Grim Matchstick: I have no idea...

Knuckles: somewun cum up her. Rut ber cannt waitt.

Sonic: Knuckles, how much root beer did you drink?!

Knuckles: twelventjetweeeen.

Wally Warbles: That guy is officially weird...

Sonic: We know...

Knuckles: I twhink, Ima pwuke.

Sonic: Eww.... Keep those things off the group chat.


Mugman: This was a awful idea!

Incineroar: Yeh...

Cuphead: Man, I forgot Incineroar can chat with the letters now..

Knuckles: I jus vomiteddd.... I feels dizzer.

Cuphead: Someone should take that guy's root beer away...


Cagney Carnation: Yeah!

Cuphead: Dont be such a freaking grouchy pants!

Grim Matchstick: You kinda forced us on here...

Knuckles:Immmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm dun... HahA, I fweel gweat! Now I wants dooonut.

Wally Warbles: -_-.

Sonic: Sorry, everybody xD.

Tails: I'm trying to not laugh... But it's really hard!

Sonic: Never start a sentence with but!

Tails: Butt.

Sonic: Lol!

Cuphead: Okay... Cool. I'm going, sys!

Cuphead has gone offline

Sonic: What a wuss....

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