SCP 682 X Child reader

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Y/n means your name
H/c means hair color
E/c means eye color
"Y/n, sweetie" Your father called you.
"Yes?" You called back. "Come here." You walked your 6 year old self over to your father. "Now, I know you're only 6, but I have no where else to take you while I'm at work, so I have to take you with me, okay?"


The both of you then packed up and drove off. You didn't know where you were going, but you didn't think much of it. You spent most of the time looking outside the window. Taking in the beautiful scenes of forests, lakes, mountains, and other beautiful things. Finally, after may days, you arrive to your destination.

Time skip

"Now Y/n, stay with me at all times, okay? I dont want you getting lost, this place is a maze." You give your father a nod. You arrive at his office and you both go in. He didn't want you to be bored, so he gave you his phone and you started playing your favorite game. A couple hours later your dad went on a lunch break and brought you  some food. Both of you are, having small conversations. It went on like this for a couple of months until one day, the thing your father had feared the most happened.


You hear  horrific roars and terrified screams of people running away from something. Your father snatches you up into his arms and runs out of the room. He runs down hallways and through strange rooms. He finally comes to a stop and puts you in a room, tells you to stay there until he comes back, and leaves.

You wait for what seems like hours, and you try to entertain yourself by singing. But soon you hear loud noises getting close to you and you fall silent. The noises pause outside your door and you hear grunts and sniffs outside it. Suddenly the door is broken down, and a horrible creature is standing in front of you. It looked like a reptile, its skin and flesh hanging off of its bones...horns coming out of its head, and it was ginormous. It had teeth the size and sharp as blades, with multiple eyes. The eyes looked down at you, and the creature growls. You dash out of the room underneath its legs and once you turn down a hallway, you come to a sudden halt. You stare in horror as you see your father on the ground, mangled and body parts missing. Tears fall from your eyes and you turn around, looking at the creature with sad e/c orbs. The creature stares back at you..and is suprised by your next move. You stretch out both of your arms in a T pose, close your eyes, and wait for your death to come. It suprises him, seeing you wanting death. Questions run through his head..and he looks at the man he killed behind you. He looks at the poor man's head, and then at you. He realizes that the all the people he killed possibly had children like you, and felt pity in his heart. He stalks towards you, gently grabs you with his mouth, and escapes the facility. After some time you both end up in a forest. You look up at him, silently crying. And you finally mustered up the courage and say

"Why didnt you take me?"

682 is taken aback by this. He looks at the ground. "Because, I realized what I have been taking away from people, and since you have no one else, I will punish myself by raising you."

At first you hate it. The monster who killed your dad looking after you, but you warm up to him. He loves  you and cares for you. When you get hurt, he licks the pain away. He loves you, which surprises him.

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