SCP 035 X Child reader

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Ah yes. Mr. Theater pants himself
Also: I suck at digital art. So dont get mad when you see the picture I made

Y/n means your name

F/p means favorite plushie, like a teddy bear or something

---------------------------------------------------------------------------- were the child of a scientist. (The most hated personnel in the game). You loved to act. When you were little you would put on little shows for your dad. Sometimes he would even join the show seeing how you were an only child. But then he got his new job. He couldn't leave you home since your mother was dead. So he had to take you.

Time skip brought to you by the tickle monster chasing 682

(Dad pov)

"Sir, 035 is appearing to be very angry I think we should do something about-"


He looked over at the masks containment chamber only to see a black mass coming out.
Your dad ran over to it to try and recontain the scp but as soon as he got into the room a feeling came over him. He looked at the mask. It seemed to be calling him. He walked closer and closer and then...

(Your pov)

"Dad!? Daddy where are you?!"
You couldn't find him. He put you in a panic room after he saw some footage and panicked. He told you he would come back and not to worry. He gave you your f/p and left. You kept trying all the codes you knew when you heard those gut wrenching alarms go off. When you finally tried "43210" the door opened. You went around holding onto your dear plushie and walked around calling for your dad. "Daaddy! Where are you?" you called as you walked down the hall. You turn right and see him. "DADDY! THERE YOU ARE!" You ran up to him and wrapped your arms around him, plush still in hand. "I was so scared dad! Dont do that again! Wait, were we playing hide n seek?" The next thing that happened make your heart stop.

"Uh, darling...I am not your father. Now, what is a young innocent child like you doing here?"

That did not sound like your dad. You look up at him, and start to laugh. "Hahaha.....heh... dad...what's with the mask? And why are you talking funny...." you ask nervously.

"Little one, I am not your father..."

The masks expression changes. It's not a happy face, but more like a sad face filled with guilt.

035 pov

Oh boy.....what should I do? If I take myself off then he dies......I need to figure out something. How about the doctor! He should be able to help.

"Little girl, come with me."

No ones POV

After a long walk they get to the doctor's chamber. 035 pushed the child into the corner and the child began to play with their doll. "What do I do?" He questioned the doctor."I dont know dear friend. If I revive him he will just be a mindless zombie!"

"A what?!"

They look at the little child. The kids eyes are filled with horror, shock and tears. "What's wrong with my dad? He looks fine! He just has a weird mask on!"
At this point, 035 literally felt like crying. And he did, a little. Causing the little one to scream. "DAD WHY IS THERE BLACK STUFF COMING OUT OF YOUR EYES?! ARE YOU OK?" She runs to 035 giving him a hug crying into his chest. 035 looks at the doctor with a 'what do I do?'look. The doctor sighs and explains what happened. The little kid looking at him with agony.

"But after a while...the host will eventually...........di-"
Tears are flowing out of the child's eyes. Suddenly 035 gets an idea. He goes through the father's memories seeing what they did together. Seeing them play around melted his heart and made more blackness come out of his eyes. "I....I can be your dad...I looked at his memories. I can do what he did if you want me to little one.."

The young one looked at him, woe in their eyes.

Flash forward a couple years later.

"Mwahahahahaha! You will never defeat me puny worm!" 035 was in a costume, a evil king he was.
"Dont be so sure! Hyaaa!" The little kid was also in a costume. They looked like a hero. They thrusted their fake sword into 035s armpit.
"AUUGH! MY HEART! OH WOE! OH WOEFUL DEATH! I see a light......" he fell to the floor.
"I am victorious!" Y/n shouted happily.
Y/n gets hugged from behind. "Arghhh! You thought!" "Lemme go!" "No. It's time for bed." "No! I refuse-"

You fall asleep. 035 chuckles and tucks you in.
"Goodnight little one."

He goes to bed. But while hes asleep, his hosts heart starts to beat. A thought flashes in his mind only for a moment....



Alright my arms are tired again. I suck at digital art but I promise I'm better with paper and pencils. I have currently ran out of scps but you guys can reccomend some. I am currently working on 053. Cheers!

Word count: 887

SCP x child reader one shotsWhere stories live. Discover now