999 x SCP child reader

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In this one you are exactly like 682, but you guys havent met. You look like a normal hooman, but you have these weird spikes that stick out of your spine and elbows. Yes, you have claws. Also, you run at a speed of 45 miles per hour. (YOU CANT REGENERATE YOUR LIMBS YOU JUST HATE PEOPLE)


A low growl escaped your throat. There was a weird collar thing on your neck. Not only did it have a stick so an MTF gaurd could pull you every which way, but it could also shock you. They had put some kind of marshmallow stuff on your spikes and claws so you couldn't hurt anyone. Hands cuffed, as well. You could feel the scopes aiming at your head as the MTF squad dragged you to your containment chamber. 'I wish I had a tail. That way I could've used it to kill all of these disgusting things.' You get snapped out of your thoughts as you get shoved into a room.....wait...ARE THOSE MORE COLLARS? Some weird collar things, bigger than your neck, snap around your waist and legs, allowing the MTF to uncuff you and take off the weird marshmallow things. They uncollar you and dash to the door. Two of them get stuck inside, screaming to be let out. 'Perfect...' Leaping onto one of them, you sink your claws into the humans lower neck, causing them to scream. The other one tries shooting you down, so you shove your victim in front of the bullets. With a low wail of agony, they fall to the floor. Blood pools every where. Giggling, you jump onto the remaining human. Thrusting your arm into their chest, your move your arm around a bit trying to find a certain organ. 'Gotcha'. You pull out, holding on to their heart. Laughing to yourself, you drop it to see your work. Hearing whispers, you swiftly turn your head to see a window. There are shadows of people whispering to each other. "Better mark that one as keter..."

Days go by, and the foundation has been trying to "tame" you to bring you to other scps. Of course this doesnt work, and they all die gorey deaths. Your containment cell is littered with dead bodies and bones. The foundation is terrified on how such a small young creature, not even in its juvenile state can do so much damage. Till one day, your cell opens. Rapping your claws against the wall, giggling in excitement, you prepare yourself to some more fun. But that gets taken away when two D Classes come in with a weird orange blob. They set it down, but just as they are about to exit the door closes on them. "YO! WHAT THE HELL! LET US OUT!" Letting out a laugh, you start running to one of them. He turns around seeing you, and dodges, but gets a bad scratch. He let's out a cry, making you grin. Grabbing hold of him, you try to snap his neck, but only to be stopped by a weird orange arm. It yanks you away, making you yelp. Hissing, you pull away and snarl at the thing. It's a weird orange blob, with horrific beady black eyes. It smells good, you will give it that, but you hated every part of it. You lunge at it, and jab at it with your elbow spikes. They sink in, and the blob let's out a weird purr noise. It wraps its "arms" around you giving you a hug. "GET THE FUCK OFF ME YOU PIECE OF SHIT!" You start screeching profanities as you try to get out. You hear laughter from a corner of a room. That did it. Escaping the embrace, you launch yourself at the two boys. You jab both of your elbows into one of the humans face, getting them lodged in there. Laughing like a mad man, you forcefully take your elbows out, tearing the guys face in half. One of them try's jumping on top of you, but gets impaled. Letting out a sigh, you marvel at the sight. The glory gets taken away when you hear a shocked cry and you feel something surround you. You see the blobs face and it starts chattering at you. Suddenly, all your anger gets replaced, and you have a bubbly feeling inside. 'What the...I DONT WANT THIS!' "LET ME GO...HEY!" It starts tickling you and you burst into a laughing fit. After a while, you fall asleep from exhaustion. Feeling something warm like a blanket cover you, you let out a huff and pass out.

Ever since that day, whenever you get pissed they bring 999 to calm you down, and eventually you both become inseparable. 999 no longer wants to leave your side unless its important, and if anyone tries taking him away without explaining why you kill them. Wow, I wish I had a sibling bond like that.

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