SCP 096 X child reader

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The only 096 x child readers I have seen have to do with blind children so here

Also you will call him Billy in this story. (Totally not the nickname me and my cousin's call him)

Y/n means your name (can be oc name)

F/f means favorite flavor

F/v means favorite vine as in the meme vine

R/n means random number below 13


You were born in the foundation, no not from a d class, but an MTF unit. Your mother was very protective and would train you in self defense so in case a scp or traitor in the foundation came at you you would know what to do.  You and your mother were going down to get a drink from the "magic coffee machine". Or at least that's what your mother called it. "Y/n are you thirsty? Do you want anything?" "No" you reply. "Very well then....Gatorade...." she muttered under her breath. She handed you the f/f Gatorade and typed in something. Once she got her drink you both walked to your training room. She taught you how to do what she called a "wall attack". She basically showed you her jumping onto a wall, ricocheting off it while doing a flip, and kicking a training dummy in the head. You instantly feel dread as she looks at you with heartless eyes and says, "get ready."

Time skip brought to you by Doctor Bright tricking people into playing hide n go seek with our favorite uncle Larry

Your legs were so sore you couldn't move. You at least managed to do it once. Your mother carried you to your room and lay you down. You managed to get a good 3 hours of sleep until


"Didnt I change my alarm to f/v?" You ask yourself. Your mother bursts into your room. "y/n theres a breach. Here take this now LETS GO GO GO" She shouts while handing you a pistol. "MOM IM ONLY R/N!" "ENOUGH LETS GO!" You both run down the hall shooting at any scp you see. Until your mother comes to a sudden halt in an empty hallway. " that?" She asks. "Hear what?" you hear  faint screaming down the hallway behind you. "Oh shit, RUN! AND DO NOT LOOK BEHIND YOU" She grabs your arm and you take off running. The screams echo behind you as you hear someone crying out for help and mercy. The  person's cries come to a sudden halt and the gut wrenching sound of flesh tearing and entrails being pulled are heard faintly as you guys get away. "Ok...I think were safe- LOOK OUT!" Your mother pushes you out of the way as a 939 leaps at her. "Y/n......I love you..." you watch as she gets dragged away with tears coming out of your eyes. You run after it shooting it with your pistol. It screeches and runs away, mother still in its jaws.

"NO! MOM!" You fall onto the floor crying. Your ready to die, anything if it means being with your mom again. You keep thinking about shooting yourself until you hear....sobbing and footsteps? The uncontrollable sobbing comes near you and stops right by you. Your curled up in a little ball on the floor and your still crying. ".....are you a scp?" You sniff. The thing sits down next to you. You cant see it because your facing away from it but you feel it leaning against you. It's still crying. You hear a faint scream come from it as a response. You slowly get up. You dont want to look at it, who knows what it looks like? No eyes and multiple limbs with a gaping hole for a mouth? You walk away, a couple of tears roll down your face as you continue to walk away.

Time skip brought to you by Dr. Wondertainment.

You decide to at least go to the magic coffee machine for one last drink until you hear your mother calling for you from behind. "Y/n....." "Mom?!" You run to the voice and you are filled with dread when you see the 939 that killed your mom, bullet holes and all. You t pose and prepare yourself as you hear it chuckle.  "Unbelievable...your mom would've wanted you to live on and here you are giving up." "Dont s......" "what?" "DONT SAY THAT!" You run to a wall as it chases you and you do the wall trick, making sure you hit it as hard at you can. You smile as you kick it in the snout, knocking teeth out of its mouth. It roars in rage and snaps you up and throws you to the ground. You scream but just as it lunges at you,  You hear the screaming from before and-


The thing from before rams itself into the 939 smashing it into the wall causing it to go through the wall, and into another one. It screams uncontrollably as it claws at the red tinted dinosaur thing making it screech in agony. After a long time of clawing and biting and wailing the dino thing finally dies. You finally see the thing that sat next to you. It didnt look that bad. It looked like a human that got white paint splashed all over them, with long limbs and big hands. And it turns around. It has these lost pitch white eyes and a horrific mouth. It tenses up and it covers up its face, making agonized sounds.

Billy- I mean 096 POV

Oh shoot, I shouldn't of looked at the child.....oh no. No! I dont want to kill- huh?

No ones POV

Y/n hugs 096. The two words that escape from the kids mouth is, "thank you. " 096 hugs back and looks down at them. 096 doesn't feel the rage build up like it normally does and they walk down the hallway.

"Do you have a name?"

096 let's out a weird wail.

"Ok, I shall call you.....Billy! Is that ok?"

096 I mean Billy let's out a small happy noise and they leave the facility.

Whew my arms are tired. Ok, hope you liked reading this.

Hours took: 2
Word count: 1060

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