049 × sick child reader

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You were a mistake

It's no joke.

You werent supposed to be alive.

You should thank your mother- oh wait, shes dead.

Killed by SCP 049 during a breach

You werent sad about it. Not even when you got the news.

You couldn't stop laughing, the slut got what she deserved.

She didnt give a shit about you. All she wanted was sexual pleasure, nothing else. It was normal, her getting arrested for all sorts of lewd things.

Rape.....molestation......seduction.....it made you sick

The best part though, was that you were the reason she died.

She was dragging you around, trying to find away to escape, but not because  she cared for you. She whispered it into your ear. She said,

"Once I get out of here, you're going to be my personal toy."

When you saw 049, you pushed her into him and ran.

You let out a sneeze. The foundation is looking for you because they knew you didnt get out. You managed to get sick while you were hiding. You were enjoying the peace and quiet until


There it is again. The constant screaming of the D classes. They deserve it, though. You remember one D class managed to get out of his cell. He tried to hide with you, but you knew him. He was one of the men who your "mother" got down with. You pushed him out and he got spotted 10 seconds later. Bang,bang,bang. It made you smile.

Now, the moment you finally were able to sleep, the alarms went off. People screaming and running, monsters roaring after them. You could see them getting torn in half. Made your insides flutter. But then...you coughed. And coughed again, you couldn't stop. Then the hiccups, and finally...

The vomit. Gross.

Then you heard shuffling. You couldn't take the sudden loss of strength and you fall. Your closet door opens and low and behold. The doctor.

Theres nothing but awkward silence until he says, "Child, dont I sense the disease in you, but you do have a sickness. Follow me." You do as your told.

Once your in his room he helps you get better. Turns out you had gotten a stomach virus, fun.

"Do you remember me?"
"My mother, I pushed her to you."
"OH! c'était toi?! Ahahaha....I was wondering where you went....
Why did you do it?"
"...she was a slut. She was going to make me her toy if she found a way out."
"dégoûtant, j'ai touché une salope? Je suis tellement content de l'avoir guérie"
"What what?"

You guys talked, and laughed, and vented. Once you were completely cured he looked after you most of the time. Although one thing he could never understand was why you enjoyed seeing the D-classes get operated on.

He was scared by it.

Oh hey. Uh. I have been dead.

Word count: 487

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