Chapter 50

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"What do you mean sweetheart?" Catherine's eyebrows dropped along with her smile. She was glad she had her wife back but she couldn't remember anyone.

 At this moment in time, Cathy entered this kitchen, remembering their reincarnation. There was a note on the side explaining everything then, maybe there would be another one.

"I mean, I remember you and I remember Kitty," Both Jane and Catherine glanced over at Katherine, who had floods of tears streaming down her face. Kat was scared. She was scared she'd lost her mother and she wasn't going to take her back. This tore Jane in half, forcing her to shed a tear or so of her own. Already upset she couldn't remember those whom she'd loved as friends previously, Jane walked over to her adoptive daughter and pulled her into her arms. 

"Mummy?" Edward approached Jane, his eyes deep with sorrow, "Do you remember me?"

Jane broke from the hug with Katherine and bent down to the little boy's level. "I'm so sorry baby, but I don't" She spoke with a shaken voice as more tears rolled down her pale cheeks. Again, an ominous silence filled the room. 

This made Kat feel extremely guilty, Jane remembered her - a girl she took in as a daughter just a few years ago - but not her own flesh and blood. 

"Will you ever remember me, mum?" Edward asked, both upset and confused at the same time.

"I don't know sweetheart," Jane brought her hand to her face and wiped the underneath of her eye. "And I'm so sorry,"

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