Cheated out of Mortality (Chapter One)

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Any copyrighted material such as brand names that I did not make up do not belong to me!


Chapter One

I have to be very careful I thought to myself.  Just a little longer, almost perfect...

I was feeling nervous now, but I just couldn't wait till I was done.


"AH!" I yelled, dropping the clay in my hand.  I turned around to see my older sister standing in the door way to my room.

"Wow, it's so sad how easily you get scared," she said.

I glared at her, but turned back around to face my ruined masterpiece.  I had always loved working with clay, and my friend Sasha had asked me if I could make her a clay figure.  She said it could be of anything, and I had been in the process of making her a clay cat.  I had been fixing it's legs when my EXTREMELY rude sister had come barging into my room without knocking like she should have.

"What do you want?" I asked her with obvious annoyance as I tried to fix the now smushed head of the cat.  If only I hadn't put so much water on the clay; then it wouldn't have been so movable.

"Lend me ten dollars." It was a command, and I was horrible at disobeying people.

"A-and what if I say no?" I turned around to look at her again.

"Then I'll steal twenty dollars from mom and blame it on you."  She smirked.  If there was one thing that my sister was good at, it was lieing.  She could get away with anything and whoever she blamed had no chance at proving themselves innocent.

"But, Samantha!" I whined.

"No buts now hand it over."

I looked at the ground in defeat, then got up from where I had been sitting at my table and walked over to my bedside table and opened the drawer on it.  Inside was my sunglasses, my cell phone, and my walet.

"Here," I reluctantly said, taking out my only ten.

She walked forward and took it from me.  "I'm going to meet up with Tyler now, good luck on your...clay...thing."  She laughed to herself then walked out of my room without bothering to shut my door.

I glared at the doorway, despite the fact that she wasn't there anymore.  I sighed, then shut my door and sat down again at my table and continued to work.

Samantha was my seventeen year old sister, and Tyler was her boyfriend.  I'm only fourteen, but I can't wait till I'm old enough to move out of this house.  I can't stand living with her!  She is so rude to me!  She promised me that she won't move out till I do, and I hope that's not true.  Knowing my sister, though, she'll probably move out but visit frequently just to annoy me.

I worked on the cat until it was finished, then set it down to dry up.  The clay I used was the kind that could harden on it's own without the need of a kilm.

When the sculpture was done, I washed my hands and took my long, staight, black hair from the ponytail it had been in.  I then sat on my bed and looked out the window.  It was still daytime, and the sky was cloudless.  I loved the summer.

I glanced at the clock.  It was only three-thirty, and since today was so beautiful outside, I decided to walk down to the park and lay down on the grass.

I jumped up, but when I landed I lost balance and fell over.  Oh yeah, gravity, my worst enemy.  Being as clumsy as myself, I tend to fall over a lot.

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