Cheated out of Mortality (Chapter Ten)

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Chapter Ten

"Of course I'm not Haley, do I look like a little girl to you?" She asked me, still glaring. I couldn't help but feel unwelcome now that she was here.

"Uh, no, I was just pointing out the obvious, heh heh," I said sheepishly. "By the way, who are you then?"

She just looked at me. Then she flipped some of her brown hair back behind her. "Savannah." She seemed so calm.

"Well, my name is Angelina," I introduced myself to her. "It's a pleasure to meet you." That's when she blew up. Not literally.

"How come you get to be immortal! People like me never got to!" She complained, still glaring down at me. "I had to die, and someone else gets to live forever! What a joyful life you must have right now!" She took a deep breath.

"Whoa, take it easy," I tried to calm her down, stepping back a few feet with my arms half raised. "And it's not that great being immortal." I put my arms down, starting to feel jealous of her. "Why are you complaining. At least you were able to die! I want to die when I'm old enough, but I can only die at this age!"

"Do you think this is the right age to die at?" She indicated her body. "No, it's not."

"It's better than this!" I pointed out my own body. She continued to glare at me, then she turned her attention to Fez.

"And you!" She yelled, pointing at him.

"Me?" He pointed to himself, coming to stand next to me.

"Yes you, who else?" She rolled her eyes. "How could you just let yourself be killed like that?"

"I..." Fez didn't seem to know what to say.

"Wait, how did he die?" I asked Savannah, my jealousy fading away a bit.

"He was murdered, but I'm not talking to you right now," she answered me.

"Hey!" Fez yelled, annoyed. "That isn't for you to tell people!" He pointed at her.

"You were murdered?" I asked him, shocked, ignoring Savannah's complaints saying that I had interrupted her. "But, you look too clean." There wasn't any sign of blood or dirt or any wounds.

Fez looked troubled, as if the mention of his death had brought back unpleasant memories. He looked at me, noticing how eager I looked to know how he died. He sighed, shrugging it off. "I'm not confirming or saying anything."

I pouted, but he did nothing to ease my disappointment. I turned to Savannah. "Tell me more," I commanded, getting excited.

"Why should I? An idiot like you doesn't deserve to know. You don't even realize how lucky you are to be immortal," She said, giving me a disgusted look.

"Lucky? I would rather be mortal." I raised my eyebrows.

"Why?!" She was complaining, obviously not understanding the way I thought about this. "Look at me! I'm dead."

"Thank you captain obvious."

"You're welcome Sergeant sarcastic. But anyway, do you really want to end up like me? I was choked and ended up dying."

She was jealous that I could live forever, and I was jealous that she had died. "I would gladly have switched lives. It would be awesome to have your's."

She rolled her eyes. "Listen, you most definitely don't. I was a hostage used by a criminal to steal money from a restaraunt I had been dining at. When he barged in, I was the closest person to him so he used me so the cops wouldn't shoot when they got there. Everyone else had fled, except for my boyfriend who had been with me that night.

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