Cheated out of Mortality (Chapter Two)

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Chapter Two

My eyes were closed as I felt my feet leave the ground.  Am I dead? I asked myself.

I should have came in contact with the van, but even the sound of the horn faded away into a memory.  It was then that I felt cold arms around me.  I opened my eyes to see that I was...flying?

"AHH!" I immediately started flailing around.

"Shh!  Don't try to draw to much attention to yourself," I heard a voice command me.

It wasn't easy to turn around and look at whoever it was that was holding me, so I just waited until he finally put me down.

Once I was on the ground, I spun around to fast and fell backwards.

"You really need to stop falling over," the voice said.  I looked up to see Fez standing over me.

"S-shut up!" I yelled at him.

"Is that really how you treat someone who just saved your life?"

"I didn't ask to be saved."

He crossed his arms.  "Would you rather be dead or severely injured?"

I froze, not because of his question, but because of what I saw behind him.

A small black cloud was forming out of nowhere, with miniature lightning flashing inside of it.

"W-w-what is that?" I asked, pointing at it.

Fez turned around.  "Oh, shoot."

"What?  What is it?"

He didn't answer me.  Instead, the cloud answered me.  To my horror, a figure was emerging from the cloud.   She was older than me, and had straight red hair that fell down to her knees.  She stuck out a hand and a scythe appeared out of no where.  She grabbed it, then landed on the ground when the cloud disappeared.

"A-Amanda," I stuttered.

She stared at me for a moment, then moved her eyes to Fez.

I suddenly felt very cold inside, and all my happiness was drained from my mind, leaving behind all my fears.  I put my hands on the side of my hand, trying to keep all the happy thoughts where they belonged, but they were already gone.  I stared in fear with widened eyes into her cold, dead eyes.  My body started shaking, and goosebumps rose all over my skin.  Even though it was the middle of Summer, it felt like the middle of Winter.

And then Amanda spoke, her cold voice echoing in my head.

"Why did you do that?" She asked Fez.  "You know you're not allowed to."  She pointed at me.  "This girl was just cheated out of death.  She must die now."

Amanda raised her scythe and stared at me without pity.

I still sat there, paralyzed, unable to move.

"NO!" Fez shouted at Amanda.  "She's...special.  She can see us; you know that.  That's why I saved her.  Please, don't kill her!"  He moved right in between us and threw his arms up as if to protect me.

"There is one other thing that I could do," Amanda told him.

"And what's that?" Fez questioned her.

"I could make her immortal."  She paused, letting that fact sink in.

I don't want to live forever I thought to myself.  Would I rather die, though?

"Since she should have died," Amanda continued.  "she won't be allowed to age or die.  Her body will never change.  The only way she could die, is for you to kill her, since you are the one that stopped her from dieing in the first place."

Cheated out of MortalityOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant