Chapter. 1

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I woke up and let out a sigh. Another day started. Let's get it over with.

I got up and got my cane. And started my day. I went to the bathroom to take a shower, and after that, I got dressed.

I put on some jeans, a light gray tank top, a black long sleeved shirt over it, and sneakers.

Now you might be wondering how the heck I know what clothes I'm putting on since I'm blind.

Well, all my clothes have tags on them describing them, so you got it.

I tie up part of my hair with a hair clip and headed to the kitchen. When I got there, I smelled the air.

I smiled. My dad was making some waffles and bacon for me, and he knows how much I love them. But I also heard the TV on.

"Good morning." I said.

"Oh, good morning, sweetheart." My dad said.

"Morning, darling." I heard my mom saying from close to the TV.

I smirked a bit. (I knew it.) Mom always watches the morning news while my father makes us breakfast.

"Did you sleep well?" She asked me.

"Meh. Same as always." I said as I sat on my place by the counter.

"You have big dark circles under your eyes. Are you sure you slept enough?"

"From as far as I remember, ever since I was I kid you tell me that, mom."

"Still, you should sleep more."

"You know I don't know when I fall asleep, mom. Only when I wake up. Besides, I don't like sleeping on the afternoon. It makes me lazier than I already am."

I heard her scoffing. At least before dad chuckled.

"Alright the two of you, time for breakfast." He said as he placed a plate in front of me.

After breakfast, I left for school.

Now the day at school was normal. The feeling of everyone staring at me, the talking with my colleagues, recording the lessons so I could hear them later, all of it.

After that, I left for my music class. I learned to play the piano over the years and I learned how to sing as well.

That is one of the things I learned to love doing. Whenever I play, I just close my eyes and feel the music flowing through my body and my soul.

My life is a routine by now. So the music is one of my refuges. I can't spend a day without playing or singing. Even on weekends, when I have no classes at all.

When the class was over, I headed back home. There was this feeling that I was being followed, but I ignored it. Might as well be a coincidence, after all, New York is pretty crowded, even on the middle of the afternoon.

When I got home no one was there, as usual. So I just went to my room and started studying.

I listened to the classes over and over again until I memorized them. And once I was over, I put some music on my earphones and laid on my bed.

I had dinner and told my parents goodnight.

And when I was on my room, I stood by the window and heard the sounds of the city.

People talking and walking, cars honking and tires screeching, pigeons wings flapping, all of it.

I closed my eyes and pictured the city in my mind. And like the Daredevil, I learned to use my other senses as my eyes when I need to, but not to fight.

But it's not the same thing like it was to see with my own eyes like I used to do back before the accident.

I let out a sigh. At least my family is here for me.

But then, I started to hear voices from my rooftop.

"Man, tonight's so boring. No butts to kick." I heard a sort of tough, irritated voice speaking.

"At least that means we can go back ealier than usual." That one sounded nerdy-like.

"Aw, yeah, brah. Let's have a pizza sleepover with videogames and movies!" Childish for the age, I presumed.

"Don't forget we need to train tomorrow, Mikey." I heard a fourth voice. It seemed to be more mature, older and calmer than all of the other ones.

Something about his voice sparked my interest.

I turned a bit more inside, to pretend I didn't hear anything when I heard them shuffling above me, like they were taking distance to jump.

Soon enough I heard a loud noise. Like a manhole cover was violently being turned over.

I got back to the window frowning.

(The sewers? A shortcut, maybe? But wouldn't the streets or the roofs be a better option?)

Suddenly I heard my mother screaming and gunfiring from the living room.

Scared, I grabbed my cane and the knife my granfather gave me - even though I can't see, I can still stab someone if I have to - and did my best to get down the fire escape.

When I reached the ground, I headed for the manhole cover. It took me a bit, but I managed to take it off, get inside and get down after putting it back on it's place.

I could still hear those strangers' voices. And gulping nervously, I made my mind.

I started to follow them.

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