Chapter. 2

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We were back from another patrol. I just want to lay on my bed and relax until I fall asleep.

But Master Splinter wanted to talk to us, so I think the relaxing would need to be delayed.

"Kneel, my sons."

We did as he said before bowing.

"You four have become very strong for the last year ever since the Shredder went missing. I have to say, I'm proud of you, my sons. But the job of protecting this city is far from done. Chief Vincent contacted us. It seems that there's this new group that appears to be consisted of former Foot Clan soldiers. They call themselves 'The Purple Dragons'. And tonight, they attacked once more. Do you know of something?"

We were taken aback. Everything seemed calm before we left.

"Donnie's scanners didn't signalize anything. When that happened?" I asked.

"Some minutes ago. They invaded an apartment and stole some things. The residents are already on their way to the hospital, but their daughter is missing. They're afraid the criminals took her as a hostage."

"Do we have any information on her?"

He shook his head. "Only her last name. Lopes. It's the couple's last name."

I nodded. "We can start with that. Donnie, see if you find any information on her on your computer. We'll wait until you've got something." I said.

He nodded. Then, we turned to Master Splinter, who nodded.

"Anything else, sensei?"

He shook his head. "No. That was all, my sons. You should all get some rest until Donatello is done with his researches."

We bowed and left. I frowned. (Why the heck would former Foot Clan soldiers invade a house only to steal?)

I went back to the dojo, to meditate. But as I did, I kept hearing some sort of rolling, which didn't let me focus.

It was differemt from Mikey's skateboard's wheels rolling, since it was only one instead of four.

Besides, it was constant, and faint, but it was slowly getting louder and louder.

"Hey, Donnie. Can you scan the tunnels to see if you find something?" I asked as I heard my brother hitting the keyboard nonstop.


"I'm hearing some sort of wheel rolling from the tunnels."

"Sure thing, Leo." His hand went from the keyboard to the mouse.

After a while, he spoke up.

"Nothing. Are you sure you're hearing something?"

"Pretty sure."

"Leonardo is right." We heard.

I instantly opened my eyes and turned them to Master Splinter.

"There is some tapping coming from the tunnels. To be more specific, from that one." He said as he pointed to the entrance of the lair.

My eyes widened. An intruder? Oh, heck no. Not after what happened two years ago.

"Guys! Get to your stances!" I said as I got up and took off my swords.

The others quickly stood by my side, weapons at hand.

We stood there, staring at the entrance of the lair ready to attack whoever it was.

The tapping grew louder. We could see a silhouette.

"Steady." I said, my grip tightnening around my swords' handle.

Then, we saw a white stick with a red end swinging from left to right and it had some sort of wheel on the end. And soon enough we were able to see who was holding it.

My eyes widened with what I saw. It was a tall girl with long dark brown hair and light brown skin.

For some reason she had sunglasses with brown lenses on. She was also with a knife tied to her belt.

And her hair was down covering half of her face and she was panting.

Then, just like that, she fainted.

The others exchanged confused looks. But suddenly, something snapped inside me.

I put my swords back on their sheaths and hurried to her side.

"Donnie, give me a hand here." I said.

That seemed to have broken him from his trance and the others too.

"What the heck?! How did she get here?!" Raph asked.

"Why is she with a stick and sunglasses when it's past 11?" Mikey asked.

"You're worried about the stick? Didn't you see she has a knife?!"

"How is she?" I asked as I ignored my brothers.

"I don't know, but we need to take her to a bed, quick."

I nodded and picked her up before heading to my room, the others after me.

When we got there. Donnie started to scan her, and the others and I gave him space as we headed to the living room.

After a while, he showed up. "She's fine. Her pressure just dropped from exhaustion. She just needs to rest."

"I wonder what happened to her? How did she even get here?" I pondered as I had my arms crossed.

"Maybe she followed us?" Mikey suggested.

"We would've heard something way before we reached the lair."

"But Mikey might be right." Raph said.

"Even so, she'd get herself lost on the tunnels. Unless she had something that could track us down."

"Still, why did she have that stick?" Mikey asked.

"I might know the answer for that one." Donnie said, making us turn to him.

"What is it, Donnie?" I asked.


... She's blind."

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