Chapter. 40

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It's been a few weeks since Val started to train with her naginata and joined us oficially on the team. And she was great.

However, I always made sure she'd stay away from the Purple Dragons. If they find out who she really is, her family might be in danger. That's a risk I'm not willing to take. Neither is she.

I must say, thanks to her mutation, I don't need to hold back in training. Of course I did that before, but it only ended up with a pissed off girlfriend.

It didn't make any sense to me. But when she said that if I wanted to support her, I was not to hold back, not even the slightest, I had no choice.

Surely, I didn't let it all out right on our next training, but as we kept fighting, I figured out she was the one holding back.

So no wonder I'm okay with her getting out of the training with some black marks, after all she did leave some on me too.

To be honest, even Raph had fun training with her.

For some reason, that was making me feel kind of weird. As if I should keep her away from him and close to me. To make sure that everyone understood that she's my girlfriend.

I know that made no sense at all since Raph has Jennifer, but still.

Also, she's been going on solo patrols every night. So I decided to follow her and make sure she's okay.

After a while following her, she finally stopped at a rooftop where a guy was, and I stopped a few rooftops away watching them.

It made me feel something weird deep on my gut when I saw them hugging. She took flight and he got inside the building.

I frowned. Who the heck was he?

Anyways, before I could do anything, a pair of hands covered my eyes.

"If you're jealous, you should talk to me instead of following me." The owner said.

I turned around and saw Val with an eyebrow up.

"Who said I'm jealous? I'm not jealous."

"Right... Then, what made you come here?"

"Can't I watch over my girlfriend?"

"Sure you can. But I have the feeling that there's something else to it than that."

I let out a sigh. "You really see through me, don't you?"

"*Chuckle* Well, you should see through me too, y'know?"

"I don't know how you do it."

"Good point. Anyways, do you want to know what just happened?"

I frowned as I looked down. I couldn't help but feel ashamed. I followed her because I didn't trust her, I didn't trust our relationship. I wanted to make sure she's mine and mine alone.

"I'm sorry... Guess I was a bit jealous..."

She laughed a bit before hugging me. "It's okay. But you don't have to worry at all."

I hugged her back tightly. "I know... But I can't help it. I always thought you looked beautiful, and now... Even though you are a mutant, you are even more gorgeous. I couldn't help but think someone would try to take you away from me."

She cupped my cheek and leaned her forehead on mine. "No one will take me away from you, Leo. Ever. And if someone has the guts to try, I will personally make them regret it. Doesn't mean I'll go all violent, but--"

I cut her off by pressing my lips on her soft ones. I'm relieved.

I held her tight as I deepened the kiss for as long as my lungs could allow me. When the time was up, I pulled back panting.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 19, 2021 ⏰

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