Chapter. 33

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Well, today's the day. It's been almost six months since that day at the beach, and today it's the day it'll be basically twelve years since Val lost her sight, but it'll also be the day we'll try to get her eyes back.

Ever since Donnie confirmed there was a chance that it might work, he has been making check-ups on her every week to see how she's doing.

But for the last month, he's been doing them daily. So yesterday, he said she was good to give it a try.

So me, Val and her father were walking through the tunnels to get to the lair. Her mother didn't come with us because the idea of it not working again made her feel uneasy, so she chose to stay at home and pray. She was very religious as Val told me.

Soon enough, we reached the lair and went straight to the lab.

After Master Splinter took her father to talk with him, Donnie started to prepare the things to apply the mutagen in her body.

"You okay?" I asked as I held her hand.

"Nope. But I am ready."

I smiled at her bravery.

Then, Donnie turned to us.

"Alright, Val. Glad to hear you're ready, because I decided to change things a little bit."

I frowned. "What do you mean?" I asked.

"Remember the purple ooze that turned Bebop and Rocksteady into mutants? I've been thinking for the last months: 'what if I use a tiny part of it with the mutagen to get Val's eyes back?' It might work."

"Whoa, wait a minute. Are you saying that you're going to turn Val into a mutant?!"

"Not definitely. After all, the amount of mutagen I'm using is enough to cover the major effects."

"But what if something goes wrong? Donnie, we'd ruin Val's future because she'd be a mutant for the rest of her life!"

Suddenly, I felt Val holding my hand tightly.

I turned to her to see her smile.

"It's okay. I don't care if I'll be a mutant or not. I've never been normal, now have I?"

I frowned.

"Are you sure?"

She nodded. "Absolutely."

I let out a sigh. "... Fine. Let's get this over with."

"Okay... So, I also managed to put some anesthetic on it, so you'll sleep for a while, and when you wake up, we'll see if it worked or not." Donnie said.

"Alright. Let's do this." She said.

Then, Donnie injected it on her and she soon enough fell asleep.

"Well, now all we can do is wait." He told me as he tapped my shoulder.


After a few hours, I heard Val stirring a bit - I stood there by her side all the time.

"Oh, my gosh... Donnie! Mr. Lopes! She's waking up!" I called.

Soon enough they showed up, alongside the others. Then, all of our eyes laid on Val.

"Val?" I asked.

"... Yeah?" She asked groggily, her eyes still closed.

"Are you okay?"

"Yeah... Just my eyes are itchy."

I turned to the others. Like I thought, their eyes lit with hope.

"Can you sit up?"

"Sure... Can I rub my eyes?"

"Maybe not. Just sit up for now, okay?" Donnie said.

"*Groan* Fine."

Then, she sat up and stood straight.

"Ready?" I asked her as I held her hands.

"Yep and nope."

We all laughed a bit.

"Alright, Val. On three. One... Two... Three."

When she opened her eyes, mine widened. Her eyes are no longer gray, they are dark brown!

"Oh, my gosh..."


"Graças a Deus... (Thank God...)"

"Wow... You did it, Donnie! I can't believe it, but you did it!"

"Congratulations, my sons. You just made Valentina's life a whole lot better."

I was so distracted by the other's reactions that I only turned back to Val when her father frowned as he saw her.

"What's wrong, Valentina?" He asked, making everyone turn to her.

I frowned as well when I saw her shaking her head slightly as she gripped the blanket.

"... Val?" I asked hesitantly as I laid my hand on her shoulder.

"Is your vision a bit blurry?" Donnie asked. "It can take a while, y'know? Since I used a small amount of it."

"That's not the problem..." She said, her voice a bit shaky.

"Then... What is it, Val?"

She looked up and turned to me.

"... It's pitch black. I-I can't see anything at all!"

I See Through YouTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang