Chapter. 6

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It's been three months since I've met the turtles. They were really nice.

Sure, Raph didn't trust me on the beginning, but turned out he's only like that because he wants to protect his family. He reminds me of my mom.

And I don't know if it's because they're more different than I am, but it feels like we've known each other for years. I like it. Mainly whenever we talked.

I could talk to them about anything and they would listen. And it was the same way with them. Whatever they had to say, even though I might not understand, I listened.

And it was always so interesting. Sure sometimes it was boring, like Donnie rambling about tech and stuff, but the rest really sparkled my interest.

Mainly how they got to be what they are. Master Splinter told me and my parents one night - he ended up meeting them after I told them about the guys' father, so they wanted to meet him - the whole story.

I listened carefully. I wanted to memorize, and still I want to, every detail about their lives, every detail about their personalities.

On the same night, though, they asked me and my parents about how I got blind. They made it short, since they know how much I don't like talking about it.

All they said was that there was this accident when I was 9 and after a surgery that was supposed to give me my vision back, my world got even darker.

I told them that I could still see some shadows, but that's it. That's why I can tell when it's day and when it's night.

But then, my mom had to brag me telling them how good I became on certain things, like the piano.

The guys begged me to play, but since we don't have a piano at home, they didn't get their hopes too high.

Anyways, I'm taking extra piano lessons, since not being able to play at home during weekends is driving me nuts.

So I started taking classes on Saturdays and Sundays, both in the afternoon until dusk.

But today I begged my teacher to let me stay over for a bit longer, so she told me I could do it if I didn't try anything crazy, like getting too much into the music and try dancing on my own. I could hit something and get hurt.

So after promising I wouldn't leave the chair except to get some water and go to the toilet, she let me stay. She said she'd be back in a few hours to take me home, so it was enough for me.

Anyways, right now, I'm so deep into playing that I don't care at all what time she'll be back, if I'm playing too loud, or if it will worry my parents - which I know it won't happen because I asked my teacher to warn them and she did with me right by her side.

All I care about is the music. And how loud and hard it can echoe inside my soul.

After playing 'Shy Full of Stars' from Codplay, I'm playing 'Fight Song' from Rachel Platten. I love it so much I can't help it but sing along.

Though my voice and playing are a lot stronger and louder than the original piano cover I learned, I hit every note perfectly, both on the piano and my voice.

When I was done, I opened a smile and opened my eyes.

Just then, I heard a muffled 'whoa' coming from my side.

I tilted my head slightly as I recognized the voice, a smile getting on my face as I did so.

"It's open!" I said. Soon enough I hear the lock of the window opening and someone pretty heavy getting inside the room.

"Good evening, Leo. Patrolling early?" I asked.

He let out a chuckle. "It's past 9 o'clock."

"Like I would know." I said in a teasing tone as I pointed at my eyes.

He chuckled again.

Then, silence. It was a bit uncomfortable, so I broke it.

"It's not very polite to spy on people like that. Much less on a blind girl."

"Your parents told me you were here and I came to check."

"You're lucky my teacher isn't around. She'd freak out."

We shared chuckles with that.

"I, uh... Heard your playing... And singing..." He trailed off.

I can tell he's nervous, but so am I. Usually, I don't play in front of lots of people, so the idea someone saw me makes me super nervous.

Still, I bit my lower lip. "And... What do you think of it?" I asked.

"Well, it's... Uh... It's... I-It's really beautiful."

I smiled. "My playing or my singing?"

"... B-Both."

My smile turned into a shy one. "Thank you, Leo."

"You're welcome. So... C-Could I... Hear some more?"

I stopped to think of it. Well, if he'd heard me so far already, guess it wouldn't hurt to play a bit more.

"Okay." I said as I turned to the piano. "Any requests?"

"Mmm... Whatever you like."

I smiled. "Roger that, pal."

With that, I played 'Secrets', from OneRepublic. And another song, and another one, and another until my hands hurted.

When they did, my teacher was back, and took me home.

And even though I know Leo is gone, I can still feel his gaze on me. Which makes me smile.

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