Chapter. 25

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"Yes. Yes, very good. Keep it that way, girls." Master Splinter said as he kept watching the girls.

Over a week ago, Jennifer joined Val on the training sessions with Sensei. And I have to say, she's good.

I talked with Raph and she was the one who gave the idea, but they had to train a bit before going to ask Master Splinter.

And I really didn't expect him to say that she almost knocked him out with a punch on his cheek.

Turns out she's already done boxing and Muay Thai. So she's able to deliver some pretty good blows. But since she hasn't practiced in a few years, her reflexes need to be improved.

So I can't think of a better training partner for Val. Sure, the rest of us could hold ourselves back, but she almost couldn't hit us back without hurting herself in accident, unless she's with her cane. However, we're training her to be able to fight without it.

It honestly surprises me how fast her reflexes are. And look that she isn't even seeing where it's coming from. At least not like we are able to.

Still, she is awesome. Honestly the two of them are, but Jennifer can see where the attacks come from, while Val can't.

Jennifer relies mostly on her eyes, while Val relies in her other four senses, which have been enhanced over the years and a lot more for these last weeks.

So no wonder she is currently dodging every single one of Jennifer's attacks.

"Gotcha!" Jennifer exclaimed as she was landing a punch straight on Val's face.

But it never landed. Before it could, Val dodged and landed her knee on Jenny's gut, and before she could anything at all, Val managed to hit Jenny right on her face with her elbow.

I flinched. They are not holding back. Not even a tiny bit.

(I wonder how they'd fight if Val wasn't blind...)

"Yame!" Sensei exclaimed.

Jenny got up and shook her head. My eyes widened. Val managed to cut her lip slightly, but still...

(Raph is not going to like this. Not at all.)

"Well done, girls. Although I wish the two of you held back a bit more if possible. I'm honestly fine with the idea of you giving your all in training, but I also fear that none of your loved ones will like that. Therefore, in order for you not to worry them, try to hold back during trainings, alright?"

"Hai, Sensei." They said at the same time.

"Very well. That will be all for tonight."

They bowed. Then, Val turned to Jennifer.

"Hey, are you okay, Jenny? Did I hit you too hard?"

"Don't worry, Val. I'm fine. Like you said, it's better get hurt during training than during a real fight. Besides, I'm glad you're not holding back, not even the slightest. That makes it more realistic to me."

"What do you mean?" Val asked as she frowned.

"That whenever I'm training with you, I feel like I'm in a real fight, so I don't have to hold back either."

"Well... I'm not quite sure about how I should feel about it."

"*Chuckle* Trust me. I'm grateful."

"Glad to hear it."

"Still, now I think trainings won't be just as fun since Master Splinter told us to hold back."

"Well, you heard him. Leo and Raph might be worried about how hurt we get during trainings. Not to mention my parents. I do want to be able to stand up for myself, but I don't want to worry them, I-I..." She trailed off as she rubbed her bare arms that now had scars all over them.

"*Sigh* I don't want... To hurt them because of my selfish wishes, y'know?"

I frown. Not only because of what she said, but because of the meaning behind it. Of why she chose those words for an argument.

"Guess you're right. Anyways, I better ask Donnie to check up on me. At least before Raph finds out you managed to hit me pretty good."

"Go for it."

With that, Jennifer left to find Donnie, while I walked up to Val.

"Hey, angel."

She smiled big as she heard my voice saying the new nickname I gave her.

"How's it going, babe?"

"Pretty fine. Just worried about you."

"Well, you probably heard what Splinter said, but either way, I'll have to hold back from now on. I wonder what I did to Jenny for him to say that."

"Well... You... Pretty much cut her lip."

Her eyes widened. "WHAT?!! Jenny!"

"Hey, hey, hey. It's okay. It's not that deep."

"But is it bleeding?"

"A little bit."

"Oh, my God. What have I done? I hurt her!"

"Val, relax."

"Leo, how can I relax when I just got to know I hurt my bestie?!"

"I hate to agree with her, but you heard her, she said she's fine. Also, as Raph told me that she told him, it's not the first time she gets hurt like that."

"Really? Why?"

"She already practiced Muay Thai and boxing."

She instantly flinched. "I remember seeing some Muay Thai fights when I was a kid. It looked so cool, but so scary at the same time. I mean, the blows they delivered could cut someone, and look that they don't use any knives."

"I know, right? Still, you shouldn't worry about her."

"*Sigh* Well, at least now I know how she knows how to deliver some pretty good punches." She said as she rubbed her stomach.

On the first trainings, Jennifer managed to hit Val pretty hard, so no wonder she might still be sore.

Still, all I can do is smile as I kiss her forehead.

"Yeah, but you're also pretty awesome. You are fast and strong. I wonder how would you fight if you could see?"

"Do you think... My fighting would be worse than it is?"

I chuckle before pulling her to a hug. "Of course not. If anything, I bet you'd be even better."

She retributed the hug. "I guess it's true." 

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