Chapter. 22

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"Oh, come on, Val. You can't be serious."

"I'm dead serious, Jenny. If Leo can't go with me to the prom, then I'm not going at all."

It's only a few days until the prom, and Jenny and I were discussing about the fact none of our boyfriends could go to it.

Yeah, Raph started dating Jenny on the night he got rampage, which I think it's adorable. Besides, I called it.

Anyways, in less than a month we became besties. I'm sad we didn't meet before, but I'm really glad we're friends now.

She's good person. And Raph will pay if he hurts her feelings. I may be blind, but my reflexes are still good and strong enough to lay some pretty good hits on him.

He should know. I almost knocked out a tooth out of him a couple of days ago during training. I did knock him out, though.

"But, Val, it's the prom. A one in a lifetime kind of thing. You can't just not go to it. What will your parents think?"

"I think they'll agree with me. I've never been a huge fan of parties, and they never let me go to lots of them."

Jenny let out a sigh.

"Even so, just because you don't want to go, you should still celebrate it."

"Well, how would I do that?"

"Mm... Wait... I think I've got it! But before I go on, do you remember what was your favourite color when you were a kid? Black doesn't count."

"Well... I think I always did like blue. That's one of the colors I can remember the best."

"Okay, but which tone of it? Can you remember that?"

"... I think... Dark blue. Royal blue, too, though."

Just then, she started giggling.

"What? Did I say something funny?" I asked as I raised an eyebrow.

"Not really. It's just, that color you just said, royal blue, is basically the color of Leo's mask."

My eyes widened. After all, I had no clue what color his mask was, or his eyes and skin for that matter.

So no wonder that my ears burnt when Jenny told me one of my favorite colors is Leo's favorite color too.

"Aw, look at you. Your head is so far in the clouds when I just mentioned him, it's so cute."

I rolled my eyes.

"Yeah, I think so. After all, I do love him."

Jenny 'awed' again, this time louder than the last.

"By the way, Jenny..."


"Do you blush?"

"Well... Everyone else says I do. ... Quite of a lot actually. You know, my skin is light, so I get pretty red when I'm nervous or embarrassed."

I smirked. "Then you must blush a lot when you and Raph are together. After all, he is not a prankster like Mikey, but he does a lot of teasing. Though I have no idea how he is when it comes to stuff couples do, like cuddling."

She didn't answer me for a while, which made me frown.

Then, I opened another smirk. "Are you blushing right now only because I presumed you guys cuddle?"

"D-Don't be ridiculous, Val! You know I'm not!"

"Do I?" I asked as I waved my hand in front of my face.

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