The General

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*I recommend playing the YouTube video for a better reading experience.*

The thug threw another punch again.
Making sure, that each of his hit will count.

Each hit would brutally make an impact on the girl's face.

The girl, all tied up in a chair, silently took the hits.
The bandana was tied to her mouth, to prevent her from screaming bloody murder.

Her short brown hair, clung to her sweaty and bloody face.

The thug clicked his tongue, as he stopped his attacks, and turned to face his boss.

The Big Boss, looked at the scene in front of him.
He was not amused, nor the slightest bit satisfied.

He was not happy.

Earlier today, he was having "tea" with a client. It was about to be a successful transaction, but a mere, small, school girl was caught in the premises.

With large words, the Big Boss, began to give brutal orders to his men.
The client, terrified of the Big Boss' orders, denied to continue the transaction.

Blaming the situation on the child, the Big Boss would watch the girl getting brutally beaten up, as a way to vent his anger from the failed transaction.

His fur coat, was speckled in tobacco dust.
His tobacco lighted from his mouth, as he seethingly took a breath from it.

"Get her to talk." He orders.

His men did his request, and violently jerked off the bandana of the girl's mouth.

The girl looked up to the men, with an unreadable expression, evident on her face.

One of the men, held up her face, grabbing her jaw tightly.

"What were you doing here?" They asked.

No answer.

One of them gave her a harsh slap to the face.

"Hey! Kid! Answer us!" They demanded.

"Big place, Huh?" The girl spoke up.

Another hit striked at her face.

"Just answer the damn question already!!!" They yelled.

"Yeah... I wasn't able to copy my classmate's test answers. Shame." The girl stated.

The child was getting on their nerves.

The Big Boss took huge, prideful steps towards the girl.

He took a heapful of her hair, and yanked it upwards.

As he violently yanked it, her entire hair was separated from her very head.

A vibrant yellow flowed from her head, after the man had yanked off her 'brown hair'.
The men were shocked at first, but then understood that the girl had been wearing a wig the entire time.

"Aww man. I liked that wig. You just ruined it." The girl says with a pout.

Angered, the Big Boss grabbed the girl, this time by her real hair.
"Who exactly...are you?" He says.

"Peace." The girl replies.

Confusion took over the men.
They started to believe, that the girl simply has loose screws!

The Big Boss began to laugh mockingly.

He then grabbed the girl by the ear, and pinching it in the process.

"Listen here, you little brat! I'm not in the mood for jokes! You just ruined a transaction of a lifetime!!! So if you want to say something, say it now, before I blow your damn useless brain off!!!" He yelled, his saliva sprawling on the girl's face.

"If that's what you want." The girl murmured.

The Big Boss threatingly raised his gun, and pointed it to the girl's head.

"I dare you to say that again!!!" He threatened.

"Bring them the cake!!!" The girl yells, too loud for their liking.

The entire building was soon shone with bright lights, and the sound of helicopters were outside.
The windows of the warehouse shattered, as men in thick, black bullet proof armor crashed in.
Red dots were each splotched on each men, indicating that they were in a sniper's gunpoint.

"Put your hands in the air and drop your weapons. You can't fight your way out of here. Slowly step away from the General." The megaphone boomed from the outside of the warehouse.

The men, fearing for their lives, dropped their weapons, and held their hands up.
By then, one of the military men, had already approached the girl, and untied her from her confines.

"Cowards! All of you!!" The Big Boss curses at his men.
He gave the girl a hateful glare, before pulling up his gun, and aiming it at the girl.

Before his finger could even pull the trigger, it was quickly knocked out of his hand.
He screamed in pain, as his hand twisted in the opposite direction.
He fell onto his knees, and continually screamed in sheer agony.

"The military... The police... To bring them all here... Just who the hell are you?" The Big Boss asks.

"I literally just said my name earlier. But you just laughed it off."

The girl started walking away, her back facing the infamous mafia boss.

She held out her index and middle finger, making a peace sign, as she walked away.

"Peace, Out!"

Full Name: Peace ???
Age: 14
Gender: female

"World's First Youngest Female General, holding the entire world's military power."

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