Epilogue: The Next Level

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"I'm gonna be late!" Fourteen year old Victoria whines, stomping her new school shoes violently at the wooden floor boards.

"Calm down! Any minute now, and he'll be here! Don't you remember? Patience is the patata." Yann quoted.

"Mom, you're not helping!!!" Victoria screeched.

"I am helping! Helping myself!" Yann shouts back, as she zips her mechanic suit, ready to go to work as well.

Victoria groaned as she continued to impatiently tap her foot against the floor.

Uncle Ethan was going to personally bring her to the prestigious school that he had been teaching...he was also the principal.
Uncle Daijiro and Miss Padpara also teaches too.
Uncle Ethan had promised to make sure that he would be the one to bring her to school for sure this Thursday, after dissapointingly being ditched by the same idea last week because an emergency in Tartarus came up.
Miss Padpara had to take her to school instead with her big, lacy umbrella that the young woman would always carry around.

"I hope Miss Padpara will teach elemental manipulation for class today." Victoria mumbles.

The front door opened with a slam. Victoria's hoping grin fell, as she was greeted by the great, flamboyant Uncle Daijiro by the door.

"Get your bag, kiddo! We're going on a riiiide with my dinosaur! Vroom vroom rawr! And we're going straight to my hell— I mean, class!" Daijiro loudly exclaims.

"I hope to God, your dinosaurs don't mean anything explicit." Yann growls, as she ties the laces of her boots.

"Hey, explicit is family fun!" Daijiro argues.

"Where's Uncle Ethan?" Victoria asks.

"He's probably at the South side of the Hemisphere by now." Daijiro shrugged.

"W-what?!" Victoria exclaims.

"Eh, forget about him, cause I am heeeree! Whoop whoop!!" Daijiro cheers.

The demon notices the glum face Victoria wore.
"Hey, you seriously like that strict pimp over me?! Oh my, I'm feeling attacked. Yann, do you have a beer, I'm depressed!" Daijiro calls.

"I will peel off your motorcycle's paint." Yann threatened.

"I feel even more attacked now." Daijiro stated, as he held Victoria's hand.

"We'll be going out now!" He calls.

"Wear a helme—"

"Screw the helmets!"


Victoria sat in her desk, as she observed the scroll, brought by her friend.

"So? What do you think? I told the group about this, and they think the description really fits Principal Ethan and someone else." Akinli, a bubbly girl with grayish hair stated.

"But this prophecy....says this will happen twelve months from now. Where did you even get this?!" Victoria questions.

"There was this old lady, and she just....I don't know, I forgot how it happened." Akinli shrugged.

"But Uncle Ethan would be away for God knows how long." Victoria mumbles.

"Relax! I'm sure a prophecy of an apocalypse rising of the dead, and the skies falling, and the possession of an angry empress won't happen." Akinli reassures.

"No. I don't think this is a joke. Everytime I walk out of home... I have this feeling. Like, something is coming. I don't know what, but I can feel something bad is coming." Victoria stated.

Akinli fell silent.

Victoria groaned. She took the scroll, and dragged her friend to the library.


The library was quite, and the librarian was nowhere to be found. Books flew above their heads, as the pages flutter to mimic as wings.

Victoria spotted her group of her friends, who were reading silently.

Victoria slammed the scroll at the table, making her friends jump.

"Are you crazy?!" Elliot, an attractive male with the most ridiculous uniform collar, hisses.

"Vicky, honey. We love you, but please don't scare the living out of me. And Elliot, please don't hiss." Julia, the motherly friend,  says in a soft tone.

"That scare was like, so rad." Andre, the youngest out of all them, comments.

"Who uses rad these days?" Akinli snickers.

"Everyone. Shut up." Victoria sternly says.

"There is a problem. A big problem. And my Uncle is not here to fix it. There's no other choice, So I'll be the person in the prophecy." Victoria announces.


"I want you all to get up, pack up your weapons and magic, because we're gonna fulfill a prophecy."

"Wait, what? Why are you doing this?" Elliot asks.

"Because the world is so broken right now, and no one's here to fix it, so we'll be the one to fix it."

"B-but like, didn't the prophecy say that a woman will bless the Wise and Noble Mage to conquer-"

"Well, I can do magic. And I'm pretty Wise and Noble, right?"
Victoria questions.

The group fell silent.

"Riiiiighhtt???" She presses.

The group gave hasty statements of agreement.

"I'm in! Ohhh, adventure. Here I come!" Andre raised his scythe in the air.

"My boots are locked and loaded!" Akinli stomps on the ground, her boots made a clicking sound, and a few bullets rolled out. "Oops....sorry."

"This idea is certainly the most stupid thing I've ever heard. You all sound ridiculous. I'm in." Elliot unsheathes his golden rapier.

"My knowledge in healing and mana refilling are all ready for all of you!" Julia cheered.

"Look at them. So adorable. Victoria is acting just like our eeny weeny General." Daijiro commented, as he peered at the group of students through a shelf.

"You do know that we'll have to pull an Athena-Perseus protection on them, right?" Padpara added.

"They're kids! They'll be fine!"

"Why are you being such a piece of ocean feces?" Padpara groans.

The adults hushed themselves to hear more from the group.

"Exactly. So I've come to the conclusion that I am the Mage in the prophecy. And guess what? I choose myself. Now let's go." Victoria stated.

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