To Question God's Time and Will

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*We're nearing the ending now!! :D*

Alchemy is science, so it must follow the natural laws: to create something of equal value must be lost. This is the principle of equivalent exchange.

A life for a life.

"If you're so miserable, I can grant you the luxury of bringing your brother back from the dead."

"What the hell are you talking about, Ethan?"

"All about Blake. The day you were slipping away from life, he pleaded with me. To bring you back. I warned him.  He agreed, and this is why you're still breathing right now."

" I don't...I don't understand."

"To bring someone back to Life, someone must die to replace that resurrected person. Death chose your brother. Oh, believe me. This is not your fault. Don't blame yourself for his death. This was all on him."

"Why are you telling me these?"

"I'll...tell you later...."


"THE COWARD DID WHAT?!?" Ethan roared.

"H-he ran away, s-sir." The private shakily reports to Ethan, that the Captain ran away.

Ethan pinched the bridge of his nose in annoyance.

Why, he ought to strangle that man with a rope to his neck!

Peace held an unreadable expression on her face.

She had informed Yann of her brother's death, which the poor widow was now grieving to.
Padpara stayed with Yann, to comfort and watch the mourning woman.

A map was displayed in front of Peace, which from time to time, she would stick her hunting knife to.

Her eyes widened, and she immediately stood up.

Her chair screeching as it was pushed backwards.

"They're heading first to *Monetiseleyuir! Its the closest town to the forest!" Peace exclaims.

(*Monetiseleyuir. The place doesn't exist. I think...)

Ethan raised a brow at this information.

"If we stop them there, there's no way they can cross to the bigger cities."

Peace paused and leaned back on her seat, heaving a sigh.

Ethan placed his hand on the General's shoulder, a tight lipped smile on his face.
"Who knows, we might be able to stop them."

"Might?! Oh my mama, now I'm just feeling worse." Peace groans.

"What, its not like its your first time in war. This will probably be easy for you!" Ethan exclaims.

Peace sat up straight, an inaudible sigh leaving her lips.

"This is different." She murmured.

Peace looked up the taller male, "I'll organise the men up ahead the town to evacuate the locals. My bet is that we have at least....three hours to evacuate the entire town. I'll notify the World Leaders about what's happening too."

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