The Attack

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*As usual, the story is fictional and not true*

*I recommend playing the YouTube video for a better reading experience.*

The sound of a gun firing echoed throughout the entire parking lot.
The creature's body lay limp behind Ethan.
Behind the Captain, was Peace. Her left arm leaning towards a crutch. Her other hand held the firearm that she had used.

Blake was panting, and out of breath behind her.

"See, Blake? I told you, I saw something on the parking lot! You don't have to check my head!" Peace exclaims to her brother.

"I've seen the devil running with a crutch. I've seen the devil running with a crutch. I've seen the devil running with a crutch." Blake chanted.

Peace shifted her focus back on to Ethan.
She held up her gun in front of his face.

"Hey! Peace! What are you doing?!" The Captain and Blake panics.

"You brought them here! Your the only one who knew about them!" Peace accuses.

"Look, General. Please lower down the gun." Ethan pleads, calmly.

"Why should I?" Peace says with a scoff.

"If you fire your gun, you wouldn't be able to know what these creatures are. I am the only one who knows about them." Ethan bargained.

"P-Peace...there's more coming." Blake stammers.

Ethan darted his eyes around the dim lit parking lot.
He could see more and more creatures quietly crawling low on the floor, dragging their heads across the rough concrete.

"Get the General inside!" Ethan orders.

"What?! No! Are you crazy?!" Peace yells, as she waves her gun in the air.

"All of you! Just get inside! Don't let anyone get out from the hospital!!!" Ethan cried.

Blake grabbed Peace by the waist, and hurriedly brought her inside to the hospital, dropping her crutch. Peace struggled in her brother's grip.
The Captain gave Ethan one last look, as he tipped his cap, and ran off inside the hospital.

"No! Don't leave him out there!" Peace screams.

"Peace! Calm down! He knows about the creatures like he knows what 1+1 is! This would be easy for him!!" Blake reasons.

"But he's alone out there!" Peace retorts. She shifted her gaze to the Captain. "Captain! Send troops down here, let them help Eth-"

"Peace! That's enough! Mayride knows what he's doing, He's not immature like you! The best thing you could do, is at least heal properly so that you could go back to the field. Not running off in your crutch with a gun in your goddamn hand!! Blake yells, at his sister.

"Your brother's right, General. Mayride knows what he's doing." The Captain speaks up.


Ethan held his sword tightly.
The stench of death surrounding the entire parking lot.

He just has to find their opening.
Ethan swung his sword at the creatures. Each making an agonizing scream before quieting down.
In the distance, he could see where the creatures were crawling out from.

The male clicked his tongue in annoyance. It was way too dim to see. Dragging his sword from behind, his sword started to burn in huge flames.
The creatures wailed at the sight, and backed away.

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