The Battle Within

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*Daijiro is rightfully owned by his Creator.*
*The story is fictional and not true*


Ethan slammed the hospital's door close.
He leaned to the wall.
Sobs and whimpers leaving him.

He throws a fist to the wall. The impact, leaving a numb feeling to his fist.
His skin was cracked, and drops of blood slowly dripped down to the floor.

"You look terrible." A male's voice piped up.

Ethan looked up to the source of the voice.

He was greeted by the sight of Daijiro. He wore a long, white lab  coat. A stethoscope slung over his neck. In his hands, lay  stacks of papers. A pair of glasses rested on the bridge of his nose.

"What are you doing here?" Ethan asks tiredly.

"I found you a lottery ticket to your dreams." Daijiro replies, as he skims over to the pile of papers.
"Mmm. Her last name's Vaa-...okay, thats just lame." Daijiro mumbles.

A couple of nurses who passed by, giggled and playfully batted their eyelashes at Daijiro, who was busily looking at the papers.

"What the hell do you mean?" Ethan presses.

"Yes. Correct. Hell. We're going." Daijiro spoke up.

"What? Why?"

"Duh, because I need your magic for my skin care." Daijiro answers in a sarcastic tone.

"Excuse me?!" Ethan raised his voice.

Daijiro held a hand up to his ear, covering it from the loud reply from Ethan
"Dummy! A Duke down in Tartarus is eating up the souls, which is a big NO to the rules. He needs to be immediately eradicated. He's also way too loud, my sleep schedule is ruined. He's so not cool."

"Right now? Can't it wait?" Ethan folds his arms.

"Haha. Don't act high and mighty on me. I'll slap you. And no, we have to get our butts immediately down to business." Daijiro answers.

Ethan nodded his head.
"Alright. Let's make this quick."

"What about the little one? Your not gonna tell her that you're gonna disappear for a few days?" Daijiro asks.

"No. We need to have our own spaces for now. I'll be back anyways." Ethan answers.

A red pentagram appeared beneath Ethan and Daijiro. Giving them an elevator ride to the depths of Tartarus once again.


Ethan's jaw dropped in disbelief.

"That's the Duke?!" He exclaims, pointing to the hideous monster ravaging another soul.
Havoc all around him.

"No. That's my wife." Daijiro replies with a straight face.

Ethan groaned at the answer he received.

The monster towered over their forms.
Its arms were ridiculously huge though its left arm was limping behind. The monster had five heads, residing in its shoulders.
The Duke had no eyes on its heads. Rather, eight of its eyes were on its belly. Blinking in unsync.

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