The Ruby's Breaking

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*Padparadscha sapphire is a special variety of gem corundum, featuring a delicate color that is a mixture of pink and orange – a marriage between ruby and yellow sapphire. ... Today, padparadscha is narrowly defined by Western gemologists as a Sri Lankan sapphire of delicate pinkish orange color.*

*Literally, a short chapter. There are only five or seven chapters left till the ending*

*The story is fictional and not true*


Peace held her hand up high again.
Sparks emmited from her hand, and a huge firework erupted from her palm.

This made the Troll even more determined to get to Peace.
In a heavy attempt, the Troll leapt into the air, and made a humongous tremor in the surrounding area.

Peace could imagine what Ethan would be saying in this situation right now.
"You really had to just push its buttons didn't you? Goodness, I'm having a headache."
Yep, total sarcasm laced there.

The Troll let out a roar, as it hungrily stared at Peace.
It held its humongous club tightly.

"Oh my God, you really do have a club." Peace commented at the sight of the wooden club.

The Troll roared again as it held its weapon up high.
With a swing with its club, the Troll brutally sent Peace flying in the air.

The violent impact made Peace thought that the blow was enough to make her vomit out her pancreas.

....Was that even possible?...

Peace rolled onto the ground. Brambles and brushes scratching her face, as she rolled by them.
Her form finally halted to roll like a carnival ride as her back was immediately hit by a garden statue.

Groaning from the pain, Peace sucked in her breaths, before shakily standing up, using the garden statue to help her balance.
Peace flinched as she felt intense pain on her chest.
A rib or two had been broken.

The gigantic brute was not satisfied. It stomped closer to the girl. Each of its slow, heavy steps were agonizing. Making a victim yearn for a fast death.

No. Not Peace.
She had to fight.
She had to keep moving.

Yet, her sore back and aching stomach says otherwise.

Exhaling from her mouth, she shakily sheathed her sword.

Her current condition and the mere sight of her small sword, made the girl quickly drain hope from ever winning this fight.

The brute had the upper hand in this bloody fight.

Can this sword even protect her now?
Yes, she had fought a Demon Lord with it, but he didn't even use his 'real potential', for the sake of entertainment and a free show.

This was real.
No going easy.

Can her sword truly defend her?
Only one way to actually find out.

Peace limped to the Troll.
The ache in her tibia screamed. Begging for her to stop moving!

Peace ignored the aching pleas of her body.
The girl raised both her hands. One raising her sword for the Troll to see, and the other was starting to pop with colors.

The Troll either did not hesitate to raise its weapon, ready to strike the girl once again with a final killing blow.

The sound of screeching howled into the night and fireworks flew into the sky. Bright colors of red and orange colored the black sky.

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