The End Of Our Bond

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**This story is fictional and not true.**

The War brewed on. It was a blood bath.

The Family was losing numbers, but alongside with the creatures, it was a hard fight.

A goblin gnashes its teeth menacingly as it readied itself to attack Padpara.

One foot forward, she steadied her grip on her weapon.

"I'll have to attack it in the belly." Padpara analyzed.

Too focused on the goblin in front of her, she hadn't noticed the another goblin sneaking low on the ground right behind the maid.

With a warning cry, the crouching goblin pounced onto Padpara. Taking the maid by surprise.

She was able to block it from taking a huge bite out of her, by using her sword to hold off its jaws.

"Oh no! Kirumi! What do I doooo?!?" Daijiro calls out mockingly.

Padpara used her strength to keep the goblin's jaws away from her face.

"Maybe if you weren't such a troublesome goddamn elbow, we could get some things done around here!" Padpara growled.

"Wait, let me just.... Let me lie down real quick." Daijiro lay down beside Padpara and the beast that was trying to eat her alive.

"What the heck are you doing?! Help me, dammit!" Padpara yells.

"No, wait. Hang on. I have to lie down because what you just said hurts my cute, fragile heart." Daijiro replies.

"The contract said that you have to help me, so do it!!!" Padpara screams.

Daijiro groaned as he stood up.
"Fine. You're such a kill joy." He stated.

"I will kill you if I can, I swear on me mum." Padpara threatens.


"Fous-moi la paix!!!!!!!" Peace screamed bloody murder. The creatures always came and their attacks were never-ending.

Ethan winced at the General's screams. The volume was loud enough to destroy his eardrums.

"I swear when this all over, I'm gonna pour cement on your ears, old man!!!!!!!!!!!!" Peace threatens. Still screaming.
Ethan doesn't have any idea on which old man is she talking about.

Her screams and threats were getting in the way of his attacks too.

"I've failed to understand how in a matter of hours, you've become such a reprehensible f#*ck waffle." Ethan stated.

"My patella is killing me." Peace responded, as she pulled the trigger to a creature's head.

Even with the roars of the creatures, in the near distance, clapping was heard.




"The battlefield isn't a playground, where you can squander around, Anne." A male's voice bellowed.

"Hail Mary Tupac Shakur. May God bless my little worthless soul." Peace stated, as she gripped her sword tightly.

"You can always sell your little worthless soul to me." Ethan mentioned.

"I did not ask for your opinion, you abominable  little sh#%*t goblin." Peace cursed.

"You betrayed the family, and behold! Luciel pays the price!" Father in his black robes, held his hands upwards, to reveal a grueling sight.

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