The General's Tale

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*everything in this book is fictional, and not true.*

Ethan gave a long sigh.

He had already left the hospital, and was most likely to return home.
On the way to the exit, he was greeted by the Captain who had just entered the hospital.

"Good evening, Mr. Mayride." The Captain greets.

Ethan only gave a nod in response.

"Oh, Captain. The General isn't really in a cheery mood after I visited her." Ethan informs.

The Captain gave a small laugh.

"That's normal. I swear to God, she's bipolar. Such polar opposites to her brother." The Captain comments.

Ethan rose a brow at this comment.

"If I'm Dr. Blake her brother?" Ethan asks.

"Correct. Blake is her brother." The Captain says.

A moment of silence fell, before the Captian spoke up again.

"Mr. Mayride, do you want to have tea, with me?" He suggests.

"What about the General. Weren't you just going to visit her?" Ethan asks.

"She can wait. Blake would be there for her, anyways. It would be a treat for her to spend time with him. It's been a while since they last saw each other." The Captain states.


Ethan was seated across the Captain.
The tea's steam satisfyingly wafting away from the cup.
They were at the coffee shop just across the hospital and it's parking lot.

"The kid herself raises up questions, doesn't she?" The Captain asks.

"Yes. I was confused at first, on why a child like her, became the General." Ethan answers.

The Captain sighed.

"Blake was supposed to be the General." The Captain speaks up.

Ethan rose a brow at this statement.

"Then why is Peace out there instead?" Ethan asks.

"Like I said, they're both such polar opposites." The Captain says, as he sips from his cup.

"The previous General found both of them in a convenience store. Blake attempted to rob the General, while Peace silently followed her brother's example.
I was accompanying the previous General that time.
With ease, he stopped the siblings." The Captain states.

"Where were their parents?" Ethan asks.

"I don't know. They never tell.
The previous General took both of them in. Letting Peace learn medicine, while Blake was trained for combat, hoping so highly, that Blake could surpass him, and exalt in being the next General. Blake was loud, and childish for his age. Peace was quiet, and at first, I thought she was mute! She never says anything."
The Captain stopped, and glanced to the window from time to time.

"Anyways, just as I said, they were both such polar opposites." The Captain continues.

"Peace flops in medicine. One time, she was a doctor's assistant, She almost killed the patient. Instead of implanting the donated esophagus, she almost planted in a packed bag of marijuana in his stomach. Not to mention, she kept fainting every five minutes in the operation room. Only God knows where she got that marijuana." The Captain states.

"She told me she had hemophobia." Ethan pipes up.

"That's correct." The Captain confirms.

"Blake was worse than his sister.
In practice sparring matches, instead of throwing punches and kicks, he drops down to the ground and cried till eleven-o'clock in the evening." The Captain says with a sigh.

"Oh, my." Ethan comments.

"May I add in, Blake is so bad at aiming a firearm. Instead of hitting the target (an apple), he held the gun so wrongly, that it literally shot a passing soldier...which resulted in being Peace's esophagus patient. That poor man." The Captain says.

"The previous General was so upset about the results of the siblings. One day, Peace got a hold of her brother's firearm. And Blake got a hold of Peace's scalpel. The two worked magic with it. Peace flawlessly handled the gun with so much ease, that the entire military camp was awed by it. Blake sneaked into the Military emergency camp to play doctor. But his play of doctor was so good, that the patients were satisfied." The Captain says.

"The previous General soon realized, that he swapped up the places where they were meant to be. He arranged Blake to study medicine, and Peace for combat.
But he was dissapointed on Peace's performance.

Peace had amazing combat skills, but at the small sight of blood, she loses consciousness. All her skill would go to waste just because of her phobia. Knowing, that every war and damn battle, there would always be bloodshed. But then, the previous General thought of covering Peace's eyes during sparring.

It was hard at first. But she had gotten used to it. She soon adapted to fight blindly. There would be no problem if she fights, and blood is involved. And  she comes home from a war with the General that they have successfully won.

One day. She came back. But with the previous General's cap. There was no sight of the previous General around." The Captain states.

"He died." Ethan comments.

"He did. He threw himself in front of Peace, to save her life.
Ever since the previous General's death, she had grown so quiet. Only replying with a yes and no. It was a...hard time on the siblings. Peace studied and trained. She withheld the military's hellish training.
And it was all worth it."

The Presidential powers were so impressed of Peace's tactics and combat, that they decided to give her the responsibility as next General, and was responsible for the entire world's military power." The Captain finishes.


"Thank you for tonight, Captain." Ethan says, as he escorts the Captain to the parking lot of the hospital.

"It's no problem. Just don't tell Peace I told you all that. She'll kill me, and you know she'll do it." The Captain jokes.

"Of course, I will keep thi-"

"MAYRIDE, LOOK OUT!!!" The Captain yells.

A loud gunfire resonated throughout the entire parking lot.

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