deleted scene

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This is a deleted scene that I wrote but figured out it wouldn't make so much sense to have them in the book so they got replaced by something else... well, Here you go.

Deleted scene 1 ( They're out on their adventure the morning after they settled down for the night.)

I went to wake up Poppy. I shook her gently. " Poppy, wake up we have to go." When there was no answer I tried again. " Poppy... Wake up!" " No, Dad, can't it wait? I have to go visit Branch." Poppy said sleepily. Dad ?? Why would she visit me? Because of my curiosity, so I tried to act like King Peppy. " And why do you need to visit him, darling?" Ugh. My cheeks. Well, I'm glad she's asleep. Poppy blushed lightly. Wait, blushed? " It's because he is all grumpy and unhappy and I feel bad for him. I want to help him." She answered still asleep. " Well, then, go out and make your boy happy!" Did I just say that?! " Thanks, Dad!"
" No problem sweetie, " she smiled in her sleep. " See you later Dad!" She exclaimed. Poppy's eyes suddenly flickered open. " Oh, you're awake," I said trying to keep my cool. " Yeah, " she answered. Poppy looked beside her and saw the ukulele I made for her. She gasped. " You made me a new ukulele! Thank you!" She said and hugged me tightly. " I- I..." I stuttered. Poppy picked the ukulele up and read the card attached to it. The card said: Sorry. Poppy giggled. And looked at me again. " Apology accepted! This looks so cool!" She exclaimed and hugged me again. I cleared my throat. " I'll go find some breakfast. Pack your things while I'm out" I told her. She nodded. I broke out of her embrace and left.

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