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Okay, let me get one thing straight; Liu does not have DID!

(For those of you who don't know what DID is, let me explain:

Dissociative Identity Disorder is a disorder characterized by the presence of two or more distinct personality states. These personalities are called alters.

Dissociative identity disorder, previously called multiple personality disorder, is usually a coping mechanismreaction to trauma as a way to help a the host live close to an average life. DID is a undercover disorder, the host isn't technically supposed to be aware they have it.)

And this sounds like what Liu has at face value, but the earliest age Liu is given is 12 years old (based of my research) by the time Jeff has his psychotic break. And there's no evidence that Liu had any trauma before then, and Sully never made any appearance or was even alluded to in the story.

Why is age so important? Because when you're under the age of 8 your personality is not fully integrated. However, when you reach the age of 8 or 9 your personality integrates to form one singular personality, your personality.

But, if you have repeated trauma during early childhood (i.e. physical, sexual, or emotional abuse) it can cause your brain to set off barriers, usually in the form of amnesia, and fragments your personality into alternate states of consciousness, or "alters".

And because Liu is known to be at least 12 at the youngest, his personality would've already integrated 5 years ago.

Giving Liu DID would paint DID as a dangerous disorder, which it's not. People with DID are more likely to harm themselves or the system (a group of 2 or more alters including the host) than other people.

Please stop giving characters mental disorders and trauma for the "angst" factor. It's extremely damaging and hurtful to the people who actually suffer from those things. And if you are going to give a character a disorder, please research it first.


(Edit 5/20/22: Edited for clearing and accuracy. Huge thanks to my friend - who has DID - for their help revising and editing!)

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