Chapter 17

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Weeks went by planning an extravagant wedding. My dress was perfect. It puffed out like a Cinderella ball gown and had a beautiful lace neckline. The ruffles at the bottom were Jessica's favorite. Gabriel's suit was made of beautiful red elegant silk: I picked it out, and baby Edgar's outfit was just the cutest thing I have ever seen. It was a plaid button up with a black bow. I couldn't be happier.




I slide on my dress just as my sisters and mother walked through the door. Jess laced up the back while Mom straightened out the front. I sat by the makeup table for Mom to get started, and Sierra brought over my heels.


I had been ready all morning. I greeted everyone who had came. I had security run off many unwanted and or uninvited people: human and wolf. I was missing Mikayla. I could only text her, and at points she was too caught up for even that. I was more than ready to get this wedding started and maybe even over with. My mother played with Edgar while I paced waiting for my bride.

"Gabriel, sit down. You'll sweat all through your suit, and we don't need you stinking," Mother proclaimed. I came to a screeching halt as my face turned redder than a tomato.

Edgar giggled as my mom bounced him on her leg. He was now three months. He was cuter than any baby I had ever seen. He took on Mikayla's family's blonde hair, but my father's hazel green eyes. Mikayla's beautiful black hair was always in her face but never hiding those gorgeous blue eyes.


Mother went out to tell everyone I was ready. I was nervous. I knew Gabriel was already my mate, but all the people sitting in the rows on either side of the aisle scared me.

Sadly my father had past a few days after Edgar was born, so Lance would be giving me away.

The corners of his mouth reached his eyes when Jack watched me step out of my dressing room.

"You look boo full sis," his eyes glistened with joy as he planted a kiss on my cheek.

"Thank you Jack Jack. Go sit with Mom."

Suddenly I was standing at the mouth of the aisle. Everyone was busy with their own separate conversations. Lance, wearing a tuxedo with a red silk shirt, appeared at my side and signaled to the pianist to start playing. The building became dead silent, and Gabriel turned away from his best man, his third in command, to glance down the aisle. The biggest smile I had ever seen rose on his face. I allowed a giggle to slip as I felt myself almost shed a tear of joy. I batted my eyes quickly to force it away. As we made our way up the aisle I felt the uneasiness of butterflies in my stomach. I hadn't even realized when we made it to the front. Lance kissed my cheek, and Mom took my teardrop red lily bouquet. I linked my arm with Gabriel; we stepped up to the alter with the priest.


Mikayla was running a little behind, so we all began to engage in our own little conversations. My best man was my third in command, Ennius.

Suddenly the pianist began playing, and everyone fell silent. I turned to see my beautiful mate. She looked so gorgeous. I smiled the biggest smile I ever had. Lance released her arm as she handed her bouquet to her mother. She linked her arm with mine, and we stepped up to the alter.

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