Kind of an Author's Note Not Really lol

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Not really an author's note lol but whatever. I found these videos on YouTube and honestly like..... I'm so in love with them what the heck?!?! Still upset he didn't get to take a big part in The Untamed concert he should've sang with Zhou Shen!!!! The first video you can see Hao Xuan is very serious about learning to sing and when he sings Xue Yang's theme song in a range good for his voice it sounds REALLY GOOD. Second one he ends up being very squeaky because he's singing in Charlie's (Zhou Shen) range and his range is incredibly high for a guy. Charlie can sing "Think of me" from Phantom of the Opera with no struggle which is crazy because it's a high soprano part and in an opera/musical style which is hard for girls most of the time also. I have a high singing range and I can't even sing as high as him!!!! (Wow the choir nerd side of me really jumped out lol👀😂)

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