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IT HAD BEEN three months. three months since the ruthless kelsie had broadcasted nancy's deepest secret to the whole school, and whilst things had died down and her peers stopped starting at her as she walked down the halls, her pain was still very apparent.

all connections with max had been cut. their secret meetings in the store cupboard. their chemistry sessions. the little surprise stops at each other's houses to endulge in the thrones of passion. the lot.

max had passed his chemistry test that friday, and every one after it. in fact, he had become quite the chemistry whizz to miss andrews' surprise. she had asked nancy to potentially tutor some of her other struggling students but nancy had declined, needing the time to deal with her growing pain and sense of loneliness.

nancy was the loneliest she had been in her life. with her parents always away, and no one else to talk to besides cassidy, she found herself falling into a strong state of depression at a worrying pace. and it hurt.

what hurt most though was seeing him.

correction; seeing them.

two months following the brutal reveal, grace had moved to their school. that meant her and max would strut around school attached at the hip, giggling and kissing freely against their lockers in a public sign of affection. everything max and nancy couldn't have ever done together.

despite the immense hurt their open love brought nancy, it was a well needed reality check. it reminded her that her and max would have never worked out. they were from different worlds and no healthy relationship should be built on lies and secrets.

of course, once grace first moved there were the people flooding her with the news and telling her max was no good. but every time she would tell them to go away, believing max over the various students. even so, that didn't stop her from shooting sly glances at the red head as she passed in the halls or glaring at her in any lessons they shared. often cassidy would shoot them back, other times nancy would plainly ignore her.

she knew max has tried to talk to her numerous times after their agreement to end their affair. at first he would stop by her house. each time nancy would pretend to be out and leave the boy standing waiting for the girl to answer. then she saw him lingering by her locker, causing her to duck away before he caught a glimpse of her. eventually, it seemed he got the message and ceased all of his efforts.

she didn't want him to know how heartbroken not seeing him left her. the fact was that she did catch feelings for him and was falling faster than she felt comfortable doing. therefore, avoiding him seemed like the most reasonable option.

as for jake, it didn't take long for him and kelsie to become the schools next 'it' couple. the ones left heartbroken by the 'cheaters'. the new relationship didn't bother nancy in the way it should've. it just proved jake never really loved her or cared for her.

now all she had was cassidy. her best friend had received small digs on why she is still friends with the red head, all of which she clapped back to every time. although she didn't agree with nancy's actions, she supported her best friend through everything.

nancy slumped into her biology stool, her head falling onto the desk infront with a huff, protected by her forearms.

harvey chuckled at his lab partner. unlike most students, he wasn't fazed by his brothers affairs with the girl. in fact, he would be happy if max and nancy made it official. nancy being one of the only girls max has been involved with that he found tolerable.
"tough morning?" he asked.

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